Xbox One ".....And I can put my 360 HERE."


New Member
Aug 27, 2013
As someone planning on a day one purchase of the Xbox One, there's some planning that needs to be done. I need sketches, diagrams, and perhaps a visit to an IKEA store. My dilemma is space. Not the UFO/alien/Star Trek kind of space. But the little space I have in my apartment for another gaming system. The logical thought would be to simply trade in or sell my 360 and just replace it with the One. But I can't. Rather, I WON'T.

I've been asking around my friends list about their plans to buy the One and so far, the answer is along the lines of "I didn't pre- order, so I'll just wait until next year". So the thought of replacing my current gen system concerns me. Sure I would have my shiny new system, but no friends to chat with. No one to play games with. No one to bother at 3 a.m. because i NEED a co-op partner for Splinter Cell. Since there will be no cross platform chat between the 360 and the One, I'll have to keep it until my friends can catch up.

My other concern are electrical outlets. Currently, between me and my roommate, we own four gaming systems, three HDTV's, two laptops and smartphones, and one Kindle Fire. Add in the necessary electrical things (lights, air, microwave, etc) and our living room looks like a criss cross of snakes with six heads each! The amount of extension cords and power strips we utilize would give the fire marshal a rage stroke.

Has anyone else considered any of these issues? If so, what's your plan? Happy gaming! :cool:
I've similar issues - but I think that since I'm ditching my cable box - the 360 can sit on the glass shelf below the XB1...not that I think the 360 will see a lot of usage after the 'newborn' is brought home. ;)
Oh dear haha. We've got similar issues. We've already got a console set up in every room as it is, plus the Apple TV.
Oh dear haha. We've got similar issues. We've already got a console set up in every room as it is, plus the Apple TV.

HA! That reminds me that I failed to mention our DVD and Blu-Ray players. Although with the Xbox One, we could probably get rid of those anyway. But it's good to see I'm not the only "electronics hoarder" out there lol. :D
I don't have the space issues, but I definitely have the "friends not jumping to next gen right away" issue. Most of them think I'm nuts for pre-ordering, but I can't wait to get one. You can always find people to play with online, and I think many of my friends will jump on board the X1 train once Titanfall hits.

I'm definitely keeping my 360 as well. I wouldn't recommend getting rid of it unless you were really, really tight on space. There's still great games coming out this fall for 360 only and eventually we might get bored with launch titles after a few months.
It just so happens that I have a TV for gaming and a TV that I would hook my laptop to, so my plan is to move the 360 to the TV where I would hook up the laptop and go from there. Both TVs are the same size, so it's not like I'd be losing anything. I'd also be able to keep both Kinects going since they are in different locations.
I think everyone has the same problem when it comes to space. It always seems that the amount of things is just above the number of space you have. I bought a new table and somehow it filled up in just a week, maybe even less.
Haha! I've been thinking about this recently as well.

It seems like I need to change my setup and buy a bigger piece of furniture which can fit all of them, and fit them in style!
I don't have the space issues, but I definitely have the "friends not jumping to next gen right away" issue. Most of them think I'm nuts for pre-ordering, but I can't wait to get one. You can always find people to play with online, and I think many of my friends will jump on board the X1 train once Titanfall hits.

I'm definitely keeping my 360 as well. I wouldn't recommend getting rid of it unless you were really, really tight on space. There's still great games coming out this fall for 360 only and eventually we might get bored with launch titles after a few months.

Sounds like you have a solid plan, man! I hope your experience with random online people is better than mine. Except for "Left 4 Dead", my experience has been "WTF are you THINKING"? lol Not that I'm the best player in the world, but at some point there's a certain expectation from your team mates. Something as simple as "protect me" can turn into "Why are you over there?" in a heartbeat!

On the other hand, I've met most of my online friends from MP games. I really do need some room and outlets though. :)
Yea, this problem has been pestering me too. I currently have only 3 glass shelves with the cable box, 360, and PS3 currently occupying them. I also have my Denon receiver out in front of the TV. Adding a PS$ and XB1 come November is going to involve a whole lot of restructuring.