Xbox 360 Any reason why the steering sucked so hard?


New Member
Feb 18, 2013
I know the general excuse is that it was supposed to be "realistic". but as far as I'm concerned it failed miserably in that regard. Rather it was just awful especially since many of the mission had a driving component involved. The only thing worse than the car's handling was the helicopter controls. I really did hate operating vehicles in this game.
I don't think the cars were meant to be realistic. Every vehicle swerved and drifted pretty ridiculously. As far as helicopters, I actually think they were pretty decent, they were just awful to shoot with (we all know that yacht mission; makes me cringe just thinking about it) I think they missed the mark on the driving and flying mechanics regardless, I'll have to agree. Hopefully GTA 5 rethinks and improves this.
Same, I haven't really noticed any difference between the games with driving. It could be that most of the time you could just catch a cab to different places for missions though.
That could be why you don't notice the difference--if any, really. I was going to say I didn't notice a difference until I got to Outrun's response and realized that for the most part I just caught the cab. There were a few missions where you had to drive there, though. For casual driving I didn't notice anything amiss, but when racing the cars seemed easier to handle which is a plus for me.

...because I suck at racing.
The driving for GTA IV was a bit easier to me than it had been in the last games. I wouldn't say "realistic" or anything, just not full blown Vice City driving.
I felt the same way actually, IV felt more natural, and I cant really put a finger on what I didn't like about V's driving. For 6 hopefully they will go back to style in IV, or closer too it.
I might have to drive around in IV again to see what you guys are talking about, because I honestly couldn't tell a difference. Seems like I have homework tonight lol.
You might notice it on a second go around. Something just felt right about the driving in GTA IV all around and not just in traveling around as opposed to racing. It was the racing I had a problem with when it came to cars in GTA games--that and my direction is bad.