Xbox One bf4: know your attachments


Jun 23, 2013
well tonight was my first grind session.. did another 5 hours and made some progress in unlocks/battlepacks.. but i take more from this 5 hours than any previous stint of bf4 play to date.. let me get a little more in depth.

i am usually one who once i get the feel of a fps and the general feel of a gun i am hard pressed to abandon it.. i got into the assault class first and well did quite well unlocks a ton of attachments and played a round a little bit. i got comfortable and well its still a go to when im struggling...

but tonight i really got into the engineer class big time.. i unlocked quite a bit and was struggling... i finally found a gun i was comfortable with stock.. so i knew once i got some unlocks i would do well.. so i started grinding with it.

i do allot of grinding in quad death match... it is fast paced and no vehicles in close quarters(compared to conquest) it allows you to really get a feel for the gun and narrows down how you play...

so on to the juice and reason for this post.

i started playing with the PP-2000

the link to run down:

my attachments are:
irnv (ir 1x) infared with 1x zoom
green lazer sight (95%) of the time its off.. its a dead give away where you are.
r2 suppressor

oh i got to be evil with this.. the infared shows body heat in white over a green overlay of whatver you are looking at. so basically i could zoom in and scan and see if someone was moving crouched or laying down quite easy. i got good with this on the flood stage(in the roof tops) where i could really move quite quick and see where everyone was...

i got even better in daqwnbrake when the lights got blown out and walkin thru the building in almost pitch black...:) their is one corner that is pitch black and you can see up strairs and across a hall that leads in.. i ended up being half my teams points.. i would move between 2 points so the other team was taking blank shots at my last position...

i ended up getting 2 friend requests and a few nasty messages and a few nice messages wanting to know my setup...the high level guys offered me a goin in the clan.. i declined as i am not good at the game but did exchange friend requests which i will join in on the fun from time to time.

what i realize i end up doing is getting on lobby's with guys class 50 or so and am way outclasses. if i tend to stick with my class people i tend to do well in conquest and other matches a long as the general player is within 4 or 5 classes of me.. when a few class 100's and 50's are in the room and than me i tend to be way out gunned and do horrible.

so the moral of the story is.. read what your unlocks/battlepacks do/give you. i started going thru a few of my unlocks that i have never used and may end up getting used.