Comedy Central and Nickelodeon


Apr 24, 2013
If you have an Xbox Live Gold subscription, you now have access to watching Comedy Central and Nickelodeon. The bad news is, you can't watch full episodes on Comedy Central, only the stand up comedy clips. I'm also sure that Nickelodeon gives you access to watching full episodes which pretty much compensates the loss of Comedy Central episodes, but it still would've been great if they gave us access to their episodes as well. This improvement is pretty nice in my opinion.. Hopefully they won't charge us with unnecessary fees after we watch a few episodes.

Today, we’re adding two of the most watched TV brands in the U.S. to Xbox Live: Comedy Central and Nickelodeon.

Via News.Xbox
Huh well that's pretty cool I guess, I'll tell my brother about that when I talk to him again, if he doesn't already know. Well thanks for the info though, sucks there isn't more in the way of Comedy Central it's one of my favorite channels.
I think the greatest thing about this is the implication it can have on the future; it could very well lead to even more content being available via XBL, and that gold subscription will give us even more mileage.
For someone who doesn't get Comedy Central, that's a big plus! I'll definitely have to check it out. Does it have full episodes of anything? I thought their website had full episodes, but maybe not. I'll have to investigate.