Xbox 360 Favorite scene?


New Member
Aug 25, 2013
I have to say my favorite was seeing how Connor's mother died. It was sad but also gave the game much more depth. What about you?
The scene where Connor's mother died really got to me as well. I also liked the scene where Connor was about to be hang. Hickey was my favorite character.
Any scene with Haytham is awesome in AC3. Those are typically my favorite, especially with interactions with Connor.
My sister was totally into Conor's mother dying. She was gasping when she saw that scene. It was a pretty good viddy game scene. I just wanted to get into the game play.
Ahhhhhhh! Spoilers! Spoilers! :) Just kidding. I mean, I haven't finished it yet, but if people read the title of the thread, they should know that there will be spoilers if they haven't finished it. Needless to say, it's taking me so long to finish this game, I probably won't remember half of the scenes by the time I finish :)
I enjoyed the hide-and-seek segment at the beginning. I have to say it was the most enjoyable part of the game.
I can say for a fact I don't remember most of the cutscenes, but I do remember Haytham was a boss. 18th century Parenting 101 right there.
I know I hated the chase missions. They're sort of like the mandatory racing mission in GTA games...which I also hate. Like I know they're going to be present, but that doesn't stop me from going "Ugggh...geez..."