Xbox One Forza Motorsport 4's Autovista models were Forza 5 prototypes


Jun 23, 2013
urn 10 has said the Autovista mode in Forza Motorsport 4 was the studio prototyping ideas for the Xbox One launch title Forza Motorsport 5.

Creative director Dan Greenawalt spoke about the relationship between the developer and Microsoft in an interview with Edge.

"Obviously we're first-party but we're remote from Microsoft," said Greenawalt, "so that we can build our own culture and have our own creative juices, right, but we still are privy to information that's incredibly confidential regarding Microsoft's longterm plans."


i hated autovista the whole just looking at the car took away from the game imo. forza5 should be good but forza6 will go back to cars i think. with the launch car count so low they are taking away from the game for people who enjoy diversity. this is another instance of dlc gouging you watch.
But of course this is another opportunity for them to suck the fan's money directly from their pockets without them noticing. Because release a full game nowadays is non-existent. You pay for 70% of the game, and then keep paying, with a little season pass here and some more skins there.
I guess I didn't have much issue with Autovista. It was something that you actually had to enter to do, was it not? I only went in there once or twice for the achievement and now I can barely remember it. What am I missing with your disdain?
Auto vista is a major waste of disk space along with being basically pointless IMO. It was the way to test graphics for forza5 but I could care less I want a better game not a walk around of a car