Xbox 360 I'm thinkin it's about time I get lost in the mountains again.


New Member
Apr 1, 2013
I hate this game. I really do. I played it for HOURS and HOURS tweaking every little detail of my character. Smiting the perfect set of armor. Setting the perfect level of enchantments. Brewing the correct potions to enhance my abilities to superhuman levels. Brushing the dust off an ancient sword only to coat it in the blood of my enemies, as they take their final breaths on my blade. Ah man, the amount you can do in Skyrim is endless. That is why I hate this game. It's good, nay it's TOO good. When I finally woke up from being lost in the mountains of Skyrim, about 3 months had passed. Time that I had no idea what was happening in the real world.

You know what, I'm totally ok with that. That's time I'll never get back, but I'll never need back <3.

I read an article today saying that Skyrim is now adding a "Legendary" difficulty setting. Now the only reason I stopped playing this phenomenal game is because my character became a Daedric Lightning Deity and nobody could touch me. Now it looks like I will have some more challengers to face against my character.

Free time, it has been good knowing you, but I am afraid I can't do this anymore. It's not you. It's me. <3
I was the same! I just hate the game but love it. And with this new legendary difficulty setting I imagine I'm gonna get stuck right in again and not see daylight for a few days or weeks!
Ah Forerunner, I feel your pain... ;) I've lost more hours than I can count to games over the year. We love them but they become our masters! Yet some of my fondest memories come from gaming, and if they make us happy then that can't be a bad thing. Enjoy losing yourself in Skyrim again... :)
You definitely make it sound appealing to lose months at a time in a game - well, in THIS game. I haven't had that experience (yet), but it sure seems worth a try. It sounds like a whole different kind of utopia!
Dude, kinda sounds like you need to take it down a notch. I'm all for loving the game, but sounds like you're taking it too far to me, bro :U
Dude, kinda sounds like you need to take it down a notch. I'm all for loving the game, but sounds like you're taking it too far to me, bro :U
Ok I'll admit it. When I get into a game, I get into a game, lol. It's not like I gained 50 pounds, ditched work and school for a game or anything like that though. It just ate up all my free time whenever it was available.

I hate when i waste hours customizing my character, haha.
Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of the customization in Skyrim, or any of the elder scrolls games for that matter. I can never really get the face to look how I want it, and it never really matters because I ususally have a closed helm anyway so nobody ever sees it X_X
Skyrim is a game you can spend hundreds of hours on and never touch the main quest. I don't think I've gone to the greybeards on one playthrgouh and I'm hitting lvl 25
Skyrim and Oblivion are really the only two games where I've lost a great deal of time or played for hours on end. It's truly an amazing game and like dresdor said, you can play for hours and hours and not mess with the main quest.
Head back into those mountains Forerunner! It's frosty outside and I'm planning another visit back to the mountains myself :D
After playing a little more Dragon Age Origins, I'm heading back in the mountains...which should be the term for playing Skyrim again.
I've burnt a ton of time in the mountains and it truly never gets old. I kind of burned myself out when I first got the game because I played it for hours on end, but after taking about a 6 months break, I fired it back up and boom I was entrapped again. I seem to always find something new which is the biggest reward for me when playing this game. Also when I'm absolutely bored, or after I beat the main story line and get tired of the side missions, I find alchemy/crafting guides online. It's very time consuming, but owning the most powerful stuff possible makes the game even more fun with me. Some may say it's boring being able to kill dragons with 1 swing of a sword, but I love it. After beating the game legit, it gave me another reason to play.
I usually just run around and enjoy the sights and whatever beasts I come across to kill. Before getting good and into the main storyline. There's a lot in Skyrim to get into whether you play hours on end or take a break and return.
I love Bethesda games exactly for this reason. I just love spending hours customizing my character, exploring the world, and trying to get the perfect skill build.
Half the time I'm never even able to complete the main story line in these games. I get so sidetracked exploring and doing very random things. Honestly I never even finished the main quest line, everything else was just so much more interesting.
Half the time I'm never even able to complete the main story line in these games. I get so sidetracked exploring and doing very random things. Honestly I never even finished the main quest line, everything else was just so much more interesting.
I hear ya. I have to get back to playing that as well. I'm a decent way through the game, but I know there's still sooo much more to explore and play. I always get sucked into the side missions and exploring as well :)
I took a 2 or 3 month break and found out my Skyrim sense was dulled. I was playing like I just escaped the executioner's ax for the first time. I'll be creating a new character this weekend and re-experience all of that again.
Yeah I felt like I was out of it when I returned to Skyrim after awhile. It really was like I just bought the game and started playing on someone's save. Note this was a bit after I'd been playing Oblivion for awhile, so it shouldn't have been that much Skyrimrust.
Well I've been playing all weekend after coming off an Ultima 1 trip and I'm back in the groove of things again! One thing that never changed is billy goat hopping up mountains to get over it, around it, or to the top since the path to the top is never really that obvious until you get there :mad: