Xbox One Jon Blow: Xbox 720 is 'not strictly about games'

Jan 9, 2013


Independent game developer Jonathan Blow has confirmed what we already know: the next Xbox, or Xbox 720 as it's popularly referred to as, is more than just a gaming machine. And he's not so sure that's the best thing to do, business-wise.
Speaking with Edge Online, Blow, who is currently working on a new puzzle game -- The Witness -- for the PlayStation 4, noted that the Xbox 360 successor is "not strictly about games." This led him to working with the PlayStation 4, instead.
“To me[,] they talk about a console that is not strictly about games. It’s trying to be the
of the living room device, which is fine and maybe it’s the right thing for Microsoft to do, business-wise. I don’t know; I actually don’t think it is, but they’ve certainly thought about it more than me!”
Blow's decision for developing on the PlayStation goes well beyond the console itself. He explained that, in the past, he's had a "bad time working with Microsoft."
"Maybe not super bad, but a moderately bad time in terms of business relationships. Other developers who are friends of mine have had a horrible time, so the idea of signing up again with Microsoft isn’t something I’d have ruled out, but there’s a certain amount of dread I have about doing that again.”
Although he doesn't "have that [feeling] with Sony," he acknowledged, "maybe it'll turn out to be just as bad at the end! But I don't think so."
This isn't the first we've heard Blow praise the PS4 over the next Xbox. In February, he admitted his studio liked the PlayStation 4's technical specs and position -- more about games -- than the next Xbox. Although the The Witness is currently announced only for the PS4, Blow acknowledged that it could come to other platforms eventually due to it being only a timed exclusive.​
It’s trying to be the
of the living room device, which is fine and maybe it’s the right thing for Microsoft to do, business-wise. I don’t know; I actually don’t think it is, but they’ve certainly thought about it more than me!”​

It's totally understandable that they're trying to become the "center of the living room." If they can be good at more than one thing, then people are more likely to buy the Xbox 720 than a Playstation and new DVD player, etc.

Whether or not that will actually translate and happen that way, though, is another story.​
It's totally understandable that they're trying to become the "center of the living room." If they can be good at more than one thing, then people are more likely to buy the Xbox 720 than a Playstation and new DVD player, etc.

Whether or not that will actually translate and happen that way, though, is another story.

Its pretty good to hear that Microsoft is doing everything they stay at the top of console war.

But I really hope it can match the price of the upcoming PS4, because even though how superior a console is, sometimes the price is still the biggest factor in considering what console people buys. (with the exception of hardcore gamers)
I mean of course we know the new XBOX won't be strictly about games. 360 isn't strictly about games so that's no big surprise. It's about what are they bringing to the table that will revolutionize the gaming console and entertainment?
Based on what he's said of which I'm aware, by and large, it's not him people find intolerable. It's the fawning cult of lickspittles who carry his every pronunciation as though it were the word of the risen Jesus. And it's not enough to try something new and come up with new ideas but they have to take endless dumps on everything. Whether he likes it or knows it or cares, Blow has attracted a tremendous following in the only set more obnoxious and irritating than dude/bro casuals; hipster casuals. I don't blame him for it but it's still dreadful.
So it will have a 3D and Blu-ray movie player and internet access? Not terribly impressive. I think the PS4 is gonna really outshine the 720, more than the PS3 outshines the 360, since it is being developed solely for the purpose of developing and crafting top notch games.
I think it's great that Microsoft are finally realising that their console needs to be the centre of the front room.
I like having my console able to handle all of my media in one place as well as play my games. Seriously though, they need to allow Netflix to work without gold membership like every other piece of hardware and console!
Gaming systems really haven't been strictly about games for a while... Netflix is probably getting as much use as Xbox Live, tbh.

Conclusion: Not surprised.
This isn't a shocker, but I'm not sure of this kind of direction. Yeah, you want the Xbox to be the center of the entertainment center, but why does it have to come at a cost towards developing better and greater video games? I know they are trying to appeal to a wider audience with the 720, but why do they have to continue to make it seem less of a gaming platform and more of a glorified Netflix player? I've really enjoyed the Xbox 360, but I'm very wary over what Microsoft is trying to do with the 720. I got this feeling over the Playstation 3 when it first came out which is why I switched to the 360. I guess only time will tell.
Perfectly understandable. I think I used my PS3 more often as a media hub than I ever used it to play games. Especially when you could start using it for netflix and hulu.
Well of course they're trying to make the Xbox the center of our living rooms. They're trying to branch out and reach audiences other than just gamers, in the process turning those audiences into gamers. I'm anxious to see what they do with their next console. I know they won't top the PS4 in gaming, I'm interested to see how Microsoft turns the xbox into a more multi purposed system that deserves to be the center of attention in our living rooms.
Seems pretty unfair to criticize the next xbox for its technical aspects when I can't tell if they have even announced what it will be like! Sony seems to like to show off their tech long before its released, while Microsoft is more like bang! new stuff for you to buy! Maybe I'm being unfair, but I guess I don't know too much about Microsoft's new xbox...
Where's the other thread where someone asked about whether or not the 360 was more gaming or entertainment based? It's true, the PS3 is a lot more suited for things outside of games. If the 720 can change this up, they're going to have a lock on the market.
I think both the Playstation and the Xbox try really hard to be Jacks of all trades. Wasn't one of the slogans for the PS3 something like "It only does EVERYTHING"? Jon Blow is just a very very silly guy and I prefer to ignore everything he says.
What I don't get is the point of having the basic model and the premium model.
Even if I was a little short of buying the premium 720, I would just wait a bit longer and get it cause there is no way an game is going to come out and my basic 720 hasn't got the power to play it because its too advanced! What do they think this is a PC?
Godammit, i buy consoles because i play games! If i wanted to be with friends or talk to them, i would go talk to them personally. If i wanted to watch a movie, i got a computer for that! I don't want to pay more just so i can use a service i will never use.

Focus on the games!