Xbox 360 Risen 2: Dark Waters Achievements


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Jun 24, 2012
The D
Risen 2: Dark Waters Achievements

Risen 2: Dark Waters is a decent game that simply appeared at wrong time and because of the bad timing became underrated. Risen 2 is the sequel to Risen and happens to be an RPG game and anyone who enjoys everything remotely connected with pirates, cannons and sea battles will add this game to the list of favorite titles. All in all there are 56 achievements that will give you 1100G points. They are not hard to get and on the complexity scale I would give them 4 out of 10. To unlock the whole set of achievements you will have to spend from 50 and up to 100 hours with a gamepad in your hand.

Story Line:
The game itself is pretty understandable and you won’t have any problems completing it. But, while progressing though the game, you will get to the point where you will be asked to make a very important choice that will actually influence the further outcome and some of the achievements. You will be asked to side either with Inquisition (which will give you muskets) or with the Natives (will give you Voodoo). Before you make that vital decision, it might be a good idea to create a new save. This will be very handy in the future – trust me. The trick here is that you won’t be able to choose both or catch up with the other later in the game (only if you start it for the second time) because the two are mutually exclusive. That is why you need to create this save. But, if you are looking forward to finish it twice by going different ways – you shouldn’t bother about saving. Though, if it is important for you to get all the achievements as fast as possible – simply load your save and pick the opposite side.
No matter the side – continue playing but try to spend as little XP (Glory) and Gold as possible or, at least try to gain as many as possible because you will need no less than 61,000 XP points and 17,000 of Gold to unlock all the skill achievement.
When you finish the last mission, you are supposed to have all achievements unlocked except for 3 (they will be different depending on the side you choose). Load the previously saved game and choose the opposite side. Do the quest you are given and this will give you either Pirate With Muskets or Voodoo Pirate. As for the other two – take a look at “All-Rounder” and “Voodoo Wizard” achievements.

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Below are the achievements for “Risen 2: Dark Waters”, along with the number of achievement points you’ll receive and a summary on how to get each achievement.

Risen 2: Dark Waters Achievements
There are 56 achievements with a total of 1100 points.

Just a little tipple... (10)
Drank first rum

Have you ever seen a pirate who does not love rum? I am pretty sure that those simply do not exist. Find the first possibility to get rum and drink it. You will find it in taverns or in some places together with the other loot.

Big Game Hunter (50)
Killed 2000 monsters

Together with the “All-Rounder”, this one is also one of the most time-consuming achievements. You will have to kill 2000 monsters of different kind and finding them will take a while. The good news is that you do not have to save the game as all kills will stack. A good place to find hordes of monsters is the entrance to the Water Temple. Also, you will have the whole team to help which means that you will get the very same result by giving less effort. Another good place for killing monsters is at the end of boss. Don’t kill him/her and concentrate on monsters that will spawn periodically.
And again – this will take a lot of time and just to give you the heads up – I had around 800 kills after doing all the other achievements through 1.5 playthrough.

Bane of the Beasts (30)
Killed 500 monsters

You will obviously get this when rushing for the “Big Game Hunter” achievement. Also, if you do not simply run though the game, you will definitely unlock this achievement in one playthrough. Just keep killing monsters – that’s all. For some tips you might check the “Big Game Hunter” achievement.

Pet Cemetery (10)
Killed 20 ambient animals

To unlock this achievement you will have to become a cruel animal killer. Whenever you see non-hostile animals like monkeys, turkeys, rats and tame warthogs just get closer and kill them. Find 20 of those, send them to the world of darkness and enjoy your achievement. Also, if you are having any troubles getting this achievement, you can do the next: find at least one animal, save your game before killing it, now kill the poor creature, load the game without saving. Repeat this procedure for 20 times in general and you will get the achievement. Even if the Save/Load method won’t work – you still shouldn’t have any problems unlocking the achievement.

Deep Sea Fisherman (10)
Killed 50 sea monsters

You need to find 50 sea monsters and kill them. These can be crabs, sand-devils, Sunken Ones, or Leviathans. If you are having any troubles getting this achievement, you can do the next: find at least one monster, save your game before killing it, now kill the poor creature, load the game without saving. Repeat this procedure for 50 times in general and you will get the achievement. Even if the Save/Load method won’t work – you still shouldn’t have any problems getting the achievement.

Crab Catcher (10)
Killed 10 giant crabs

You need to find 10 Giant Crabs and kill them. If you are having any troubles getting this achievement, you can do the next: find at least one monster, save your game before killing it, now kill the poor creature, load the game without saving. Repeat this procedure for 10 times in general and you will get the achievement. Even if the Save/Load method won’t work – you still shouldn’t have any problems getting the achievement.
To kill the creature, use your “Kick” skill. You should have it by the moment you meet the Giant Crabs. When the crabs come at you, hold “LT” and press “Y” to kick them. This will flip the monster and will make him extremely vulnerable. This is a perfect moment to show your fury and tear the monster into pieces.
If you’re following the Inquisition path, you should definitely use your musket to kill Giants Crabs from the distance. Alternatively, you can have Patty in your team and ask her to use the kick skill or Venturo with his musket. Both characters will be great for this job.

Beginner (10)
Killed 10 monsters

To unlock this achievement you need to find any 10 monsters and simply kill them. This will be one of the first achievements you will get in the game. You will likely get it while going for other achievements like “Crab Catcher” or “Bane of the Beasts”.

Legendary Hero (20)
Collected 20 legendary items

As you’ve guessed already, there are 20 legendary items in the game and your task is to collect them all. Legendary items are unique artifacts that permanently raise the skills of your hero. As far as your character won’t be holding them in his inventory, you won’t be able to sell them, so – do not worry about losing one or a few items accidently. If you want to know what items do you have and what skills they raise – check out the “Collections” tab. Legendary items are marked in the logbook similarly to regular quests and they can be traced with journals scattered across the world. For every legendary item you will get 200 Glory points.
1. Bottle of Memories. Bottle of Memories is a legendary item that gives you +10 to death cult. According to a legend, a shaman captured the thoughts of numerous dead people within it. Here’s how you can get it: first of all, you need to arrive at the Shaganumbi village. Look around and find a woman named Kapua. She will be right of an enormous altar, between a cauldron and the leader of the village, Chani. She can teach you lots of things and if you plan to join the Natives – you should definitely enjoy her lessons. But, just for now you should just keep it casual and trade with her. She has lots of great things to sell including your future Precious – the Bottle of Memories. You will have to give 2000 Gold to make it yours but it’s totally worth it.
2. The Cannonball. The Cannonball is a legendary item that gives you +10 to Shotguns. You won’t have any problems unlocking this item because it can be bought from the storehouse master Mercutio. But firstly, you will have to complete the “Storage Barrels from the Wreck” quest for him. Or, if you are not into completing quests for strangers, you can try to persuade the guy and make him trade with you but this will require Silver Tongue at 65. If not – Cannonball will cost you 2000 Gold.
3. Comb with one tooth. Comb with one tooth is a legendary item that gives you +1 to Blades. You can find this Legendary item in the chest buried in the crystal cavern under the Inquisition’s fortress. In order to get there, open the baggage left of Carlos in the garrison (this requires Lockpicking at 60) > take the treasure map > go down to the cave > open the chest > prepare for the fight with several Sand Devils.
4. The Flask. The Flask is a legendary item that gives you +10 to Dirty tricks. You will get it on the Isle of Thieves as a reward from the gnome Chief for killing gnome eater.
5. Hand Mirror. Hand Mirror is a legendary item that gives you +10 to Silver Tongue. You can find some information about the Hand mirror in a book called “Pirate Raids” which lies in Jack’s lighthouse. Some of the clues will point to the pirate tavern. After you get this information, head to Booze’s tavern and ask the innkeeper for rum. By doing so, you will get an opportunity to trade with the guy. Now, in the trade menu scroll to the very bottom and you will see the item. Well, you will have to pay 2000 Gold which is crazy but this is the only possible option to obtain the item.
6. Hook Hand. Hook Hand is a legendary item that gives you +10 to Slashing Weapons. You can obtain this artifact in “The Treasure in the Tomb quest.” You will find the required chest near the Arena in the hut on the right. I do need to warn you that you will have some serious problems reaching the place: first of all – because of Warriors you will have to break though, secondly – because of powerful Guard and a Ghoul. The best way to get rid of them is to take each enemy down one by one. Also, try to keep the distance and use firearms to get them down. When you’re done and obtained the map – head north > enter the cave > turn left by climbing the slope > move forward again > fight Warriors, Ghouls and Guards > carry on and reach the spot where the chest had been buried > dig it out and open the lock. You will find the item hidden inside.
7. Meerschaum Pipe. Meerschaum Pipe is a legendary item that gives you +1 to Firearms. In order to find this item, you will simply have to find Pete’s treasure. In order to get know more about Pete’s treasure, you should talk to a prostitute from Booze’s tavern named Holly but only if you agree to pay her 100 Gold. Dead Pete as well as the pipe are lying just outside the entrance to a large tomb.
8. Old Coin. Old Coin is a legendary item that gives you +10 to Bulletproof. You will be able to get this item only if you drink the Potion of false death and cross over to the land of the dead. You will definitely have some problems spotting the coin because of the unnaturally bright light. But, to find the coin you will need to approach the gate and examine the shelf to find the item. While +10 to Bulletproof sounds like a real deal, keep it in mind that you are still mortal. Now you simply can enjoy shooting at you just a bit longer but no more.
9. One Left Boot. One Left Boot is a legendary item that gives you +1 to Cunning. You will find the item on a small island off the west coast of Antigua. In order to get there you will need to pass through the port city and turn north to a cave which will lead you to Mac’s tower. Follow the route and you will be guided to a small path running towards the shore. Here you will be forced to fight a couple of monkeys and a Sunken One. When done – get on the island and search for the boot. Do not forget to check a chest nearby – it is connected with “The Treasure on Antigua’s Western Beach” quest.
10. Parrot Wing. Parrot Wing is a legendary item that gives you +10 to Throwing weapons. You will find this item on the Isle of Thieves in a cave by the beach. It will be lying in a treasure chest.
11. Peg Leg. Peg Leg is a legendary item that gives you +1 to Toughness. This will also be one of the first artifacts you will find in the game. By the way – to find the item you will need to go through the cave near Vasco’s tower > turn left and keep going forward > you’ll see the entrance to a second cave several hundred meters north of the wooden bridge (the same with the Grave Spider). Check out the terrain behind a large rock and the Peg leg should be lying out there.
12. Silver Mask. Silver Mask is a legendary item that gives you a bonus of +1 to Bladeproof. You need to keep in mind that this item can be obtained only during the “Gibson’s Grave” quest, so make sure you do not miss it. Here’s what you need to do: talk to Quinn (he’s by the port city’s coast) > give him 300 Gold and buy the key to the tavern > open the door to a room on the first floor > read the book inside and it will give you a lead to a treasure (Gibson’s grave) > go to the graveyard > dig his grave out. Here you will find the Silver mask and a couple of other useful things.
13. Shrunken Head. Shrunken Head is a legendary item that gives you +10 to Intimidation. You will find it on the Sword coast at the Graveyard. It will be right on the top of a small pedestal.
14. The Voodoo Needle. The Voodoo Needle is a legendary item that gives you a bonus of +10 to Piercing Weapons. The good news is that you can get this item pretty easy. Visit Emma the Witch. She lives in the port city. Also, prepare 2000 Gold to buy out the item. Unfortunately, this is the only way to get things done.
15. The Hangman's Noose. The Hangman's Noose is a legendary item that gives you +10 Muskets Bonus. But in order to get it you will have to be an advanced character. First of all, you will need to have a monkey. Also, you need to have Cunning at least at 6 which can be taught from any trickster for 1000 Gold (Quinn will work fine for that). Now, with the monkey in your possession, release it on the second floor of the warehouse. Guide the animal through the broken window and climb the roof until you reach a hole > Enter the attic and rummage about it > check for the Hangman’s noose on top of one of the chests > pick it up and go back to your character.
16. Skull Of Death. Skull Of Death is a legendary item that gives you +1 to Voodoo. Obtaining this item won’t be easy because you will need to do a lot in order to make it yours. Also, you can get it only after completing the Chaka Datu’s Legacy quest. Technically, there are two ways of completing the quest and depending on what side you choose, you will have a bit different obligations. But mostly, the only major difference will be serving a different master. If you choose Native – your master will be Zaalu, and if you choose Inquisition – Hakeke.
At the very beginning of the quest you won’t see any differences – your task will be to talk to your future patron and get rid of their number two. Do what you are told to do and speak to Datu – ask him for three trials. This will activate Paws for Zaalu or Paws for Hekeke quest (depending on the side you play for). But as I’ve mentioned before – regardless of the sides, the goal will be the same – killing The Black Hunter together.
17. The Pirate's Almanac. The Pirate's Almanac is a legendary item that gives you +10% to Glory. It can be found on the DLC treasure island.
18. The Jaguar Paw. The Jaguar Paw is a legendary item that gives you +10 to Ritual. You can find the item in the temple, east of the Natives’ village. Kill the Termites prowling the area including Worker and Warriors > get inside > turn left > get ready to avoid a dangerous trap (a swinging blade which will cut you in half if you fail to press “Jump” at the right moment) > move forward > search the body of a dead pirate for the Jaguar paw > leave the location but again – avoid traps. You might also wanna start “The Graves of the Ancestors” quest by putting up a Golden Mask on the pedestal. It will be not far from the dead pirate with the Jaguar paw.
19. The Powder Bag. The Powder bag is a legendary item that gives you +10 to Pistols + the powder inside never gets wet. In order to get this Legendary item you will need to complete the “Cargo Crates” for Miguel quest. The task is pretty simple – you need to collect 10 missing cargo. Search the cost line and you will find cargos lying on the beach. Once you’ve collected them all, report back to the old grumbler and take your reward – the Powder bag.
20. Snuffbox. Snuffbox is a legendary item that gives you +10 to Thievery. The good news is that you can buy this item from the trader Possodino. You will find him in the upper part of the city right outside the cathedral. But, as always, you will have to give up a fortune in order to get it – 2000 Gold. And yes – this is the only way you can get it. NOTE! Before you reach the location, you will have to do the following: escape the Sword Coast > ask Carlos to grant you access to the city of Caldera. If you do not do this – you are likely to miss the item.

Storyteller (10)
Collected 10 legendary items

All in all there are 20 legendary items in the game but your task is to collect only 10 of them. Legendary items are unique artifacts that permanently raise the skills of your hero. As far as your character won’t be holding them in his inventory, you won’t be able to sell them, so – do not worry about losing one or a few items accidently. If you want to know what items do you have and what skills they raise – check out the “Collections” tab. Legendary items are marked in the logbook similarly to regular quests and they can be traced with journals scattered across the world. For every legendary item you will get 200 Glory points. For more information about where and how find the required items, check the “Legendary Hero” achievement.

Treasure Hunter (10)
Found first treasure in the game

As any treasure in the whole universe, it can be found and obtained only when you have a treasure map and a shovel. Once you have both – all you need to do now is to activate the quest on your map by pressing the “X” button on the quest screen to mark any quest as currently active. Go to the location and watch for a red cross (X) mark on the ground. Stand over it and press the “A” button. This will make your character to dig up the treasure.

Made of Money (50)
Acquired 300,000 gold

I am not sure if it is possible to gain that sum of money in one playthrough. Probably, even selling the whole island won’t give that amount of gold. However, there is a way out and it’s actually pretty easy to get. Try to find as many valuable items as you can and stock your inventory with it. Now, find a merchant or someone who would agree to buy those things from you. Sell whatever you planned to sell and then simply reload your save and repeat the process. Strangely, it works and works well. By the way: you are not supposed to have 300,000 in your inventory at one time. This is the sum you are expected to spend through the game.

Cash Cow (30)
Acquired 100,000 gold

You are definitely going to get this achievement if you plan to go for “Made of Money”. But still, you need to remember that acquiring 100,000 of gold is rather difficult unless you use the sell/load method. Collect as many valuable items as possible, stock the whole inventory with them, find a merchant or someone who would agree to by those things from you. Sell whatever you planned to sell and then simply reload your save and repeat the process. Strangely, it works and works well. By the way: you are not supposed to have 100,000 in your inventory at one time. This is the sum you are expected to spend through the game.

Skinflint (10)
Acquired 1000 gold

You are supposed to unlock this one naturally while progressing though the game. Your task is to acquire 1,000 of gold. If you have any problems getting this sum (trust – you shouldn’t) try to do the following: Collect as many valuable items as possible, stock the whole inventory with them, find a merchant or someone who would agree to by those things from you. Sell whatever you planned to sell and then simply reload your save and repeat the process. Strangely, it works and works well.

Protector (10)
Won duel against Severin

You will find Severin in the main courtyard in Caldera outside the room you start the game in. Find Saverin, talk to him and offer to help train his students. Of course, for some obvious reasons he will challenge you to a duel. Accept it and fight the guy. If you are having any troubles winning the duel, come back later when you gain more experience. But, here’s a slow but quite safe method that will help you to become a winner: parry his hits and gain distance from him. For more information you should check out the video.

Digger (10)
Dug up 50 treasures

I would really like to provide you with a treasure map but as it appears – there aren’t enough treasure spots in the game which means that even if you dig up all the treasures, you won’t be able to collect 50. That is why you need to use the reload method to get things done. Find a treasure, dig it up, collect it and load the game. Do the very same thing for another 49 times and you will get what you came for. One of the best places to unlock this achievement is located on Treasure Island. You will find 4 graves on the island at the end of the quest. Save your game and do the following:
- dig out all four graves without opening any of the chests;
- reload the save and repeat;
- counter will continue to go up by 4 each time.
When you get to 50 – you will unlock the achievement.

Kleptomaniac (10)
Picked 100 locks

First of all, in order to pick locks you will need a lockpick. It can be acquired during the “Freeing Largo” quest on Tacarigua. Also, every lock will require a certain number of points to be picked. Search the map and find a locked chest and play the lock-picking mini-game. This will also work with locked doors. Don’t worry – this time you will have more than enough chests and doors to collect the whole 100. But, if you are not into searching for locks, you can always do the save-and-load trick.

Crack Shot (10)
Hit 10 times in one game in the shooting mini-game

You will be able to play this mini game only with two characters:
- Barney at the Pirate’s Den on Tacarigua or;
- Henri on Antigua.
As a matter of fact, your task is pretty simple: you need to hit all 10 targets in the mini game that are thrown across the screen. But remember – you need to avoid bombs. You are not supposed to have any troubles shooting targets but if you do – try to do the following: keep your crosshair in the center of the screen when waiting for a target. This will help you to minimize the distance the cursor has to travel. Now, use the “RT” to aim. You do not have to have the exact center of the crosshair on the target - anywhere in the circle will do just fine.

Drunkard (10)
Won drinking duel mini-game 10 times

Usually, drinking duel mini-games are offered in the places where they are supposed to be offered: taverns. However, the easiest one is said to be with Morgan in the bar near the dock on Antingua. Winning the game is not hard. All you need to remember is to make sure to grab bottles from the middle rather than the edges. Win the mini game for 10 times in total and unlock the achievement receiving 10G points as a reward.

Birdbrain (10)
Used parrot 5 times

Unfortunately, you can’t just pick up a parrot on the street and use it whatever you like. This will require you to have some skills. But here’s a recipe to make it happen fast.
- Level up to Level 8;
- Find Flannigan on Tacarigua;
- Buy the Parrot Trainer skill from him. It will also come with a free parrot, so you won’t have to buy one separately.
Now, when you have the skill, simply equip the parrot and use it 5 times. You are not obliged to use your little bird in the battle.

Tour Guide (10)
At least 5 crew members on the ship

Obviously, to unlock this one you will need a ship but this little thing should come to your pretty naturally. Now, your task is to gather a crew of 5 members on your ship. 4 of those members will be unmissible and as for the fifth member – you will have to convince him to join the team. Talk to Bones in Maracai Bay and get him to agree to join. But, I you have either of the DLCs, this will give you an extra crew member but in this case of Treasure Isle, this crew member will be only temporary.

All-Rounder (30)
Learned each skill once

Well, this one won’t be easy to get because it requires a lot of effort and at least two game rounds. As it was mentioned in the Introduction, at a certain point you will be offered to choose either Inquisition or Voodoo passes. As far as they cannot be progressed simultaneously, you will have to replay the game. However, you can make things easier a bit by saving your game right before you are supposed to make the decision. This will help you to avoid replaying some levels and save plenty of time.
The good news is that thanks to the Saving System you do not have to have all the skills at the same time. Now, what you can do is to buy all upgrade for one skill tree completely, reload and do the next one. In order to do that you will need 61,000 of glory to upgrade each skill from 1 to 9. It is important to remember that Legendary items will make things a bit easier because you will get +1 to your skill. Here’s what I did: I bought blades to level 2 for the counter moves and cunning to level 6, to lockpick some things, before I started farming the fame. This helped me to get 61,000 of glory before I went to the water temple. The good news is that if you play on Easy difficulty, you won’t have to worry about Glory.
Now, do not forget that you will need money to buy every talent for your skill. We’ve covered the best way of gaining money in “Made of Money” achievement but you won’t need that sum. It takes approximately 17,000 to unlock all the skills. Gather valuable items, sell them, reload and sell them again.
And the last but not the least – the list of teachers you are supposed to meat to upgrade your character. If some of those teachers offer you a quest – take it without any hesitation. It might help you to unlock some skills or else.

For blades:
Maracai Bay - Cordobar (Slashing skills, if he is dead – go to Bill in Antigua)
Maracai Bay - Koraka (Hunter)
Maracai Bay - Valdez (Piercing skills)
Antigua - Wilson (Smith)
Antigua - Alvarez (Master skills)

For firearms (only available if you choose the inquisition):
Antiqua - Donovan (all pistol skills)
Caldera - Fernando (all musket skills)
Caldera - Godin (all firearm master skills)

For toughness:
Antigua - Spencer (Bartender skills)
Antigua - Zak (Fighter skills)
Takarigua - Alister (Distiller skills)
Maracai Bay/Your boat - Bones (Doctor skills)

For cunning:
Antigua - Quinn (Trickster skills)
Antigua - Scarlett (Harlot skills)
Island of Thieves/Your ship - Jaffar (Thief skills)

For voodoo (only available if you choose the natives):
Sword Coast - Hikoko (Alchemist skills)
Maracai Bay - Datu (Voodoo Mage skills)
Maracai Bay - Osamu (Voodoo Master skills)

And here’s the number of XP points you need to move from one level to the other.
1>2: 1000
2>3: 2000
3>4: 3000
4>5: 4000
5>6: 6000
6>7: 8000
7>8: 10000
8>9: 12000
9>10: 15000
Total: 61000

Voodoo Wizard (20)
Learned everything about Voodoo

Voodoo is one out of two passes that you will have to choose in the game. You can either get it from the first attempt to finish the game or from the second. Now, for the skill itself you will need to raise the attribute to Level 10 or Level 11 if you have a Legendary item. This will also require 61,000 of Glory (XP points). The best way to get things done is to collect that much XP points, save your game, then max out the attribute you want. Now load your game and do the very same thing but with the other skill. Also, here’s the list of teachers you need to visit in order to unlock and upgrade this skill:
For voodoo (only available if you choose the Natives):
Sword Coast - Hikoko (Alchemist skills)
Maracai Bay - Datu (Voodoo Mage skills)
Maracai Bay - Osamu (Voodoo Master skills)

Rogue (20)
Learned everything about cunning

For the skill itself you will need to raise the attribute to Level 10 or Level 11 if you have a Legendary item. This will also require 61,000 of Glory (XP points). The best way to get things done is to collect that much XP points, save your game, then max out the attribute you want. Now load your game and do the very same thing but with the other skill. Also, here’s the list of teachers you need to visit in order to unlock and upgrade this skill:
For cunning:
Antigua - Quinn (Trickster skills)
Antigua - Scarlett (Harlot skills)
Island of Thieves/Your ship - Jaffar (Thief skills)

Tough Bastard (20)
Learned everything about toughness

For the skill itself you will need to raise the attribute to Level 10 or Level 11 if you have a Legendary item. This will also require 61,000 of Glory (XP points). The best way to get things done is to collect that much XP points, save your game, then max out the attribute you want. Now load your game and do the very same thing but with the other skill. Also, here’s the list of teachers you need to visit in order to unlock and upgrade this skill:
For toughness:
Antigua - Spencer (Bartender skills)
Antigua - Zak (Fighter skills)
Takarigua - Alister (Distiller skills)
Maracai Bay/Your boat - Bones (Doctor skills)

Gunslinger (20)
Learned everything about firearms

Inquisition is one out of two passes that you will have to choose in the game and it unlocks firearms skills. You can either get it from the first attempt to finish the game or from the second. Now, for the skill itself you will need to raise the attribute to Level 10 or Level 11 if you have a Legendary item. This will also require 61,000 of Glory (XP points). The best way to get things done is to collect that much XP points, save your game, then max out the attribute you want. Now load your game and do the very same thing but with the other skill. Also, here’s the list of teachers you need to visit in order to unlock and upgrade this skill:
For firearms (only available if you choose the inquisition):
Antiqua - Donovan (all pistol skills)
Caldera - Fernando (all musket skills)
Caldera - Godin (all firearm master skills)

Blademaster (20)
Learned everything about blades

For the skill itself you will need to raise the attribute to Level 10 or Level 11 if you have a Legendary item. This will also require 61,000 of Glory (XP points). The best way to get things done is to collect that much XP points, save your game, then max out the attribute you want. Now load your game and do the very same thing but with the other skill. Also, here’s the list of teachers you need to visit in order to unlock and upgrade this skill:
For blades:
Maracai Bay - Cordobar (Slashing skills, if he is dead go to Bill in Antigua)
Maracai Bay - Koraka (Hunter)
Maracai Bay - Valdez (Piercing skills)
Antigua - Wilson (Smith)
Antigua - Alvarez (Master skills)

Mr. Industrious (50)
Completed 250 quests

All in all there 371 quests in the game but your task is to complete only 250 of them. A greater part of the quests is game related and can’t be missed. Also, there are additional quests that will require you to do side missions. It doesn’t matter what quests to finish – just progress through the game and make sure you complete whatever you are offered and then you will get this achievement by the end of the game. You can find the list of Quests by clicking on this link .

Necromancer (20)
'The Split Soul' completed

To unlock this achievement you are supposed to have Bones in your crew. Get close and talk to him. Progress though the conversation until he says something about the white scarf. This is important! Later on you will appear in the Underworld. In this creepy place you are supposed to find his other half. Talk to him (the other half of Bones) and progress though the conversation until you can an option to mention the white scarf. Finish the conversation and talk to Bones in a real life. When you finish talking in the real life, you should get the achievement mentioned.

Cheese Knife (20)
'The Cunning Captain' completed

Basically, your task is to complete the mission called “The Cunning Captain”. However, there are complains about this achievement because there seems to be a bug. The trick is that at the end of the mission when you are supposed to win a duel, you can’t hit your opponent and he can’t hit you. Luckily, we know how to improve the situation and get things done.
1. Try to reload a save from the beginning of the Isle of Thieves but this time make sure to follow Slayne the whole way. DO NOT go exploring on your own until the cut scene with the chest ends.
2. The second option is a bit more complicated but will definitely get you what you cam for and actually happens to be a lot more interesting than waiting and following the rules. Now, your task is to make the monsters attack your opponent. Simply lure him out onto the fields where there are monsters and stand next to your enemy so the monsters hit him while they're trying to hit you. To keep things save – make sure you have plenty of healing items. This won’t let you die, even accidently. You can also attack the townsfolk and do the same thing which will make monsters attack your opponent. Once your enemy is defeated, pack your things and run away from the town. Keep running until they stop chasing you. Afterwards you will need to return to the town but don’t worry – townsfolk won’t be hostile any more.

Tub Captain (20)
'Build a Raft' completed

This is story related and can’t be missed. You will get the pop up message right when you leave the Isle of Thieves.

Friend of the Gnomes (20)
'The Gnome Eater' completed

Your task is to complete “The Gnome Eater” mission. Find Kaan, the Gnomes’ chieftain, on The Isle of Thieves and talk to him. He will be the one to give you the quest. But keep it in mind that the boss fight at the end is more than just difficult. The trick is that the creature will eat any weapons you have equipped except the Titan Spear. If you want to kill the monster and stay alive, here’s what you should do:
- climb up to the back of a tiny little ledge on the right side of the clearing;
- keep throwing the spear at the monster.
The good news is that it won’t be able to hit you back but you have to place your hero correctly near the back. And now, even if the monster climbs up the wall itself, it won’t be able to touch you. You can also use your parrot to help you out but I personally managed to kill the creature without bird’s help.

Provisions Master (20)
'Ship's Equipment' completed

This is game related and can’t be missed. In order to start the quest, you will need to talk to Captain Slayne on Antigua. It appears that the Island is on a trade embargo and that is why Slayne needs provisions and equipment before he can set sail. In order to complete this achievement you will need to talk to various Merchants and individuals. They will also offer you mini-quests and tasks that you will be forced to finish. When you are done – they will agree on helping you. Here’s the list of people you need to talk to and their location.
1. Cannons: Merchant Wilson, main town-center square;
2. Powder Kegs: talk to Rick, main town- center near the sea;
3. Water Barrels: interact with Butch, found near the little pond as shown slightly inland on the map;
4. Helmsmann: talk to Morgan in the town bar/pub/tavern;
5. Fresh Fish: talk to Eddie, found in the house on the eastern beach, nr the little pier on the map;
When you are done with these people, get back to Slayne on his moored ship and talk to him.

The Hand of God (20)
'The Greedy Captain' completed

This is game related and can’t be missed. You will start this quest in Caldera. After the death of Steelbeard, find Carlos and talk to him. After that enter the Council Chambers and obtain evidence against Mauregato and his wrong-doings. Now, progress through the game and head to Maracai Bay. In a Native village you will meet Corrientes. Solve the 'Wall of Fire' puzzle head to a temple and obtain “The Bone Hand” artifact in the battle. This is said to be one of the most complex quest in the game and it has many off-shoot quests and plot paths. Also, Glory reward varies based on what you did along the way.

The Right Hand (20)
'Chaka Datu's Legacy' completed

This quest is not game related and can be easily missed. But I would not recommend you to pass on it because when you complete it, you are going to get a Legendary Item and these are pretty rear.
Now, depending on which side you sided with, you are going to talk with different NPCs and get different items at the end but in general the quest itself will be the same. Here’s what you need to do:
- Reach Maracai Bay;
- Talk to Corrientes in the village;
- Look around for an elder Chieftain called Daku and start the quest.
After that you will have to deal with two tribesman vying to become the new Chieftan, Hakeke (Inquisition) and Zaalu (Natives). Your task is to complete the following tasks:
1. Kill a Panther and remove its Paw;
2. Track a hunter called Kenan in the forest;
3. Defeat the other guys “right hand man” in a duel.
Don’t worry – all the tasks are pretty simple and you shouldn’t have any troubles completing them:
- NPC will guide you to the cave for the Panther;
- He will also guide you to the start of the search;
- And the duel takes place in the village.
Completing this quest shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes. At the end of it you will receive 200 Glory, 20G points, Corrientes Thunderstick or Tek Shaballa (faction dependent) and the Legendary Item “Skull of Death”.

Captain (30)
'A New Ship' completed

This is game related and can’t be missed. You are supposed to sabotage cannons to complete the quest. But, there is a little problem that comes with the quest: a man guarding the cannons known as Benito won’t leave the post despite the fact that he is supposed to. This means that you won’t be able to sabotage the cannons stealthily. So, the only thing you can do is to beat Benito up. Try to lure the man down the forest path to his right. This will help you to keep the whole city from attacking you. While Benito is down, sabotage the cannons and get your 30G achievement points.

Harpooner (20)
'The Titan Weapon' completed

This is story related and can’t be missed. You are going to receive the pop up message notifying you about the successfully obtained achievement somewhere around you reaching or leaving the 2nd island called the Sword Coast.

Liberator (10)
'Free Hawkins' completed

This is story related and can’t be missed. To complete the quest and unlock the achievement you will have to free Hawkins. You can find the fellow locked in a stone tower looking cell right near where you find Sebastiano in Port Isabella in the Sword Coast. But firstly you will have to convince the guy sharing all the profits of being free. When he agrees, you will be asked to steal the key from Sebastiano. This little trick requires having 35 in thievery. However, you can make things easier a bit and use a cannon or a bomb to unlock the sell. I, personally, used the cannon. Climb another tower near the bottom of the area and use cannon to shoot at the holding cell. Worked great for me.

Voodoo Pirate (20)
'The Ancestors' Blessing' completed

This is story related and can’t be missed. However, you need to choose side with the Natives (Voodoo skill path) in the main quest line. You won’t be able to complete this quest if you choose playing for Inquisition.

Knight in Shining Armor (10)
'Rescue Patty!' completed

This is story related and can’t be missed. You will unlock this achievement at the very beginning of the game and very likely it will be one of the first achievements you are going to succeed in. Progress through the game and enjoy the cut scene of the Kraken destroying the boat. After it ends, you will be asked to run to the shore and help the survivors. When you get to the beach, you are going to see Patty. She will be fighting with some sea monsters. You need to help the girl by killing these monsters. This won’t be hard. When you’re done killing the last one, you will get the achievement mentioned.

Secret Achievements

Monkey Dance (10)
Used monkey 20 times

Considering the fact that you can’t just pick up the monkey and use it whenever you want, it is important to do a couple of things and the first one is improving your skills. In order to use a monkey you will have to have cunning at Level 6. Also, you will have to buy skills from Flanngan on Tacarigua. After you gather all the stuff required, simply equip the monkey, send it out, and then return it to your character. Repeat this for 19 more times and enjoy the achievement.

Seafarer (10)
Travelled by ship 20 times

I do believe that this achievement is pretty self-explanatory: you need to get on a ship and travel from location to location for at least 20 times. This will come to you naturally but if you want to unlock this fast, you can simply sail back and forth between two locations until you sail 20 times in total. After that you will be able to collect your 10G achievement points.

The Curse Is Broken! (50)
'Kill Mara' completed

This is tory related and can’t be missed. However, prepare for a difficult battle because Mara is the final boss you will have to deal with. But long before the final battle itself, you will be forced to fight several Leviathans and Sunken. They are very challenging enemies and only thanks to your crew you will be able to deal with them pretty fast. When this stage is over, enter the temple itself and deal with Mara. And yes – you will have to deal with her on your own. The witch is very quick and she will try to constantly attack you with melee combats, so try to be as careful as possible. It would be very nice of you to throw sand or salt in her eyes – this will let you strike a few blows. If you are not into melee combat – you can always shoot her with your rifle. But, in this case you will be obliged to play “hit and run.” This might get a bit annoying but you will get used to those things. Also, do not let the witch catch her breath – this might turn into a real trouble for you: she’ll go into air and summon several Sand Demons which will surely surround you. Killing them is not hard but it is better to avoid the trouble than dive directly into it. When you finally kill her, watch the cut scene showing her failure. It’s not the end of the game yet, only of this quest. If you want to see the end credits, talk to Jaffar and the rest of crew members.

Lord of the Tentacle (50)
'Defeat the Kraken' completed

This is tory related and can’t be missed. Kraken is not a land creature and obviously, you will be attacked with this monster on the journey to meet Mara. Luckily, despite all the scary stories and expectations, duel with Kraken is pretty easy. Thanks to grog and provision you can heal your hero all the time. The main trick of killing the beast fast is to hit him right in his mouth for a couple of times. If you wonder – it will open his mouth during certain types of attacks. You also need to keep in mind that after each successful throw Kraken will swim under your ship and will attack you from the other side which means that you are supposed to run from the one side to the other in order to kill him before he destroys the ship. After your fourth successful strike, Kraken will surface a bit more and open its mouth. This is a perfect timing for killing the beast, so aim perfectly well. If you miss this shot – you will have to repeat the whole sequence one more time.

Ghost Pirate (20)
'The Journey to the Underworld' completed

This is story related and can’t be missed. You are supposed to get this mission from a strange guard named Tao during your very first conversation with him. Your task is rather simple: you need to collect some ingredients in and brew a potion that will allow you to cross over to the underworld. For the potion itself you will need only two components: Black lotus and Grave dust. You will find them in the further parts of the island. To enter the area, go through the gate opened for you by Tao. You will face another warrior. Also, as you progress though the mission, you will be forced to fight with a Guard and a Ghoul. This won’t be easy but you can use firearms and some Dirty Tricks to get things done. Do not forget to move and everything will be just great. When you win all the inevitable battles, concentrate on collecting Black lotus and Grave dust. Here’s the list of places where you can find Black Lotus:
- right behind the place where you fought the undead;
- near the grave at the Arena;
- right after leaving the cave and reaching open space;
And Grave dust:
- by the Arena, in the house on the right;
- in the northern cave, in the corridor on the left (climb the slope);
- at the grave between the houses;
- on a shelf in the Thief’s Temple;
- in the hut near the huge gate, on a shelf;
- in the house opposite the gate, on the table.
While collecting all the necessary items, do not forget that there are enemies everywhere, so – be careful. When you collect all the necessary ingredients, get back to the temple and talk to Tao by killing two Warriors by the door on the way. Say Tao that you need a Potion of False Death to get to enter the Underworld. After you lie down and drink the potion, the present quest will end and another one will begin. You will also get 20G points for unlocking this achievement.

Artifact Hunter (20)
'Steelbeard's Artifact' completed

This is story related and can’t be missed. After Captain Steelbeard dies, you will receive a quest called “Steelbeard's Artifact.” Just talk to Patty on the beach of the Sword Coast. Your task is to find and obtain the Titan artifact but the old pirate didn’t have enough time to tell you where he had hidden his piece of the artifact. This quest is believed to be one of the hardest quests in the game and it will take some time to figure everything out.

Detective (20)
'Garcia's Masquerade Uncovered' completed

This quest can be missed which means you are supposed to pay attention if you plan to complete the quest and unlock the achievement. The quest itself is a part of “The Hidden Valley” mission. Also, you need to keep in mind that if you BEGIN this quest, you won’t be able to finish some other quests, namely “The Deserter”, “Angus is Dead” and “Angus Rescued”. And, if you FINISH the quest, another three won’t be at your disposal: “Black Dog”, “Grave Robbers” and “Garcia’s Ship”. Luckily, there is a possibility to complete them first, so make sure you get to “Garcia's Masquerade Uncovered” quest AFTER you complete the other six. But, if you do not care about finishing the game with all the side missions, you can simply stick to the plan and complete what has to be complete.
Now, there are two ways to activate the quest:
1. The first one involves saving Angus. You will be able to learn the true identity of Corrientes if you take Angus back to Valdez and talk to the Inquisitor. This will also end the quest.
2. The second option is to talk to the shaman Osamu. After you complete the “Secret Entrance” quest and talk to Corrientes, report to Osamu and the pirate’s deception will come into light. This will also end the quest.
And don’t worry – no matter what you choose, you still will be forced to deal with the deceptive pirate.

Bookworm (20)
'Following Garcia's Trail' completed

This is story related and can’t be missed. The quest itself is a part of “The Greedy Captain” mission and you will get it from Carlos. Your goal is to find a pirate that owns another Titan artifact. His name is Garcia. While the idea of finding Garcia might not sound that complicated, you will find out that the process of searching will force you to complete the whole set of side missions. But, as long as you enjoy the game, progress through the game and keep completing quests until you get things done.

Pirate with Muskets (20)
'Four Muskets against Crow' completed

This is story related and can’t be missed but only if you choose the Inquisition side. “Four Muskets against Crow” can also be called “Help against Crow” and is part of “The Titan Weapon” mission that you will receive from Captain Steelbeard when you arrive at the Sword Coast. Have a talk with him and his daughter Patty. Finish the conversation and do not forget to regenerate health in a bed (this time – without Patty). Now – move forward. It does not matter what road you are going to take – you will still get to a port city Puerto Isabella and will still complete the task. However, you will be offered to complete a couple of quests but they won’t take much time. In the city you will learn about the fate of Captain Crow. Here you will be offered to side either with Natives or Inquisition. Choose whomever you find comfortable because you are going to get the achievement anyway. But, this is THE moment you need to think about carefully: you won’t be allowed to change sides afterwards neither will you be able to complete some of the missions. So, do not forget to save before making the decision. This will help you in the future.

Pirate (20)
'Become a Pirate' completed

This is story related and can’t be missed. In order to unlock this achievement you will have to impress Steelbeard. This can be done doing different things but here’s what will work the best:
1. Kill crabs with Blake. For this one you will have to learn "Kick" skill from Blake. After that go and kill some crabs.
2. Confront Hank. You will find him by the bar in the tavern at the pirate's den. After you talk with two prostitutes Holly and Lola, he will come to you.
3. Find Pete's treasure. You can talk with Holly about the treasure and for 100 gold she will tell you a couple of secret. You will find her in the tavern.
4. Plunder any grave. If you did everything well, you were supposed to find Pete’s treasure by this moment. Now, near the treasure there will be an ancient grave right next to it. All you have to do is to steal the Idol from there.
5. Find O'Brian's treasure. You can find O'Brian in the tavern as well. He will drink for the map. But you will also have to get 500 gold and a painkiller.
6. Free Largo. Largo is a pirate and he is in prison. Before freeing him, you will have to get his red bandana, his black pearl earring and his boots. Only after that you should go to Stone at the Pirate's Den.
7. Kill the traitor and the sea monster. Simply complete the quest “Booze.”
8. Help Booze with his rum delivery. Complete the quest called “Sugar & Water.”
9. Fight Morris about his lucky hat. You can find the lucky hat outside Booze's distillery next to a barrel.
After completing these quests, you can get back to Steelbeard and impress him with your actions. Now he should make you a pirate.

He Really Exists! (20)
'Find Steelbeard' completed

This is story related and can’t be missed. “Find Steelbeard” quest is a part of the “The Titan Weapon” mission. Steelbeard is not only a cursed cutthroat residing in the pirates’ camp but also happens to be Patty’s father and Patty is a girl who’s been faithfully accompanying you from the very beginning. Steelbeard spends all his time in the camp and this makes things easier a bit. Technically, all you need to do is to find the camp (check “Find the Pirates’ Den” quest description). Head to the ship docked in the harbor and when you approach the gangway, there will be a short cut scene showing the meeting of the father and daughter. After it ends, talk to the captain and mention the weapon that can kill the Kraken in your conversation. This will end the quest and, obviously, will give you 20G points and an unlocked achievement.

DLC: Treasure Isle
Cost: 800 MSP Achievements: 3 Points: 50

Alligator Jack (20)
Killed all alligators on Treasure Isle

I do believe it’s pretty self-explanatory: kill all alligators on Treasure Isle. All in all there are 8 of them. Here’re text directions to help you find the evil creatures.
- When you come out of the mountain go north and kill two alligators (2/8);
- From the first sunken one go north, one more (3/8);
- At the twin palms go south and you will find two more alligators (5/8);
- Go to the grave and pick up all maps, no alligator here.
- Go south from the grave and turn left as soon as possible. Stay near the left wall and travel to the beach in the north-east corner. Here you will find two more alligators (7/8);
- Now go back though the water, and stay in there, now take the next turn left and you will find the last one. (8/8)
Also, if you prefer to see where you’re going, here’s a map of all 8 alligators.

Long John Silver (10)
Set course for Treasure Isle for the first time

I do believe it’s pretty self-explanatory. In order to set course for Treasure Isle for the first time, you will have to collect pages 2-4 of the diary and recruited Harlok. After that talk to Patty and Treasure Isle will be available for you to sail to.

Secret Achievements
Grave Robber (20)
Opened every deadly chest once

Well, cheating in games has never been so amazing! At the end of the Treasure Isle quest, there will be four chests you have to choose from. Technically, it is impossible to open them all because three out of four are loaded with explosives and the last one will have the treasure. If you open the one with explosives – you will die. If you open one with the treasure – you will get a legendary item that boosts your experience with +10% and many other useful things. But, to succeed in this achievement and in lots of other quests, you might wanna use the following formula:
1. Dig up all 4 treasures;
2. After that – Save your game;
3. Stay in front of the graves and open the treasures from RIGHT to LEFT: 1. Ramsay. 2. Wallace. 3. Stubbing.
4. As it was mentioned in the description above – 3 out of 4 chests will kill you with the explosives. But, that won’t be a problem as long as you have a Save file. Just open the chest, die and Load the game. Move to the next chest and do the same;
5. After you open all three Deadly Chests – you will get the achievement mentioned.

DLC: Air Temple
Cost: 800 MSP Achievements: 3 Points: 50

Robinson Crusoe (10)
'The Marooned Sailor' completed

Complete the quest called “The Marooned Sailor.” After you end up on the Storm Island, you will meet Crusoe on the beach. It is nearly impossible to miss the guy. Talk to Crusoe and when he asks you to help him get out of the island – agree to the tempting proposal. Follow the quest guide and when you’re done – get back to Crusoe’s hut at the end of the beech and tell him that you will take him with you. This achievement might get glitchy but we happen to have a good recipe to make the bad things go away: simply go back to the ship and sail to Antigua and once docked talk to Crusoe. You will get the pop up message for your effort right away.

Templar (10)
'The Air Temple' completed

Complete the quest called “The Air Temple” which you will receive from Eldric on Antigua. It’s pretty straight forward so just follow it to the end and you will get what you need.
Secret Achievements
Exterminator (30)
Killed all gargoyles and gave their eggs to Eldric

This achievement might be tricky and even a bit glitchy. The reason for this bug is that sometimes gargoyles on the Air Temple Island spawn in mid-air or don’t spawn at all. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s impossible to kill a gargoyle when there is none. Luckily, when they spawn in the air – you can shoot them with a musket or throw the Titan Harpoon. Sometimes, you can fix the bug with a simple reloading but in some cases even this helpful trick won’t work. The best advice here is to save before setting foot on the island and to save frequently in a different slot after each kill.
After you finish killing all the gargoyles on the Air Temple Island – find Eldric on your ship and talk to him. Instead, he will tell you that gargoyles have spread elsewhere across the seas and, of course, you are supposed to get rid of them. After he tells you the scary story and noble obligation, you will have to travel to each location or island (DLC are not included) that has a port and talk to Eldric in every port. By doing so you will be able to figure out whether or not there are gargoyles or their eggs in these locations. Kill them all and collect their eggs if any. Afterwards, come back to Eldric to check in on the progress. If you do everything right – after you kill all gargoyles or collect all eggs, you will get the achievement.
Now, as for the locations themselves: there are 6 places you need to visit in order to complete the task and unlock the achievement.
1. Caldera (despite the fact that there will be no gargoyles to kill/eggs to collect, you will still have to talk to Eldric);
2. Isle of the Dead (ditto);
3. Tacarigua (some gargoyles to kill/eggs to collect);
4. Maracai Bay (some gargoyles to kill/eggs to collect);
5. Sword Coast (some gargoyles to kill/eggs to collect);
6. Isle of Thieves (some gargoyles to kill/eggs to collect).
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