Xbox 360 The Appeal of Cabela's Titles


New Member
Dec 5, 2013
Can someone explain the appeal of the games? I'm sure it's something extremely simple. My uncle picks up Cabela games whenever they drop, but I can't get into them.
From my very deep, extensive research I've gathered that Cabela is the Madden of hunting.'re welcome.
Well Swift's explanation cleared everything up! Before I thought Cabela's was more along the lines of Wayne Gretsky hockey games or Tony Hawk Pro Skater. I was sadly mistaken.
In the realm of outdoorsmanship-based games and big game hunting Cabela's is basically the Madden and Tiger Woods of that particular genre. Still Swift's explanation tells very little lol
Ahh I see...that still explains little to nothing. He does make sense since Cabela's is plastered on everything having to do with hunting, just wondering why that name specifically and stuff.
Cabela's stuff is kind of a gold standard of supplies for outdoorsmen. Without putting Cabela's on the game it'd just be like...Big Game Hunter 2013 or some generic title, really. Other than that, like Madden and Tiger Woods, the games are generally identical to each other just different settings based on what game there is hunt. The appeal is for outdoorsmen and hunters who don't really want to have to go out and do all of that stuff.

...couch huntsmen and so on. The appeal is the same for those who like American football deal with Madden, if you like football you'll play PES or FIFA, fantasy you'll play roughly any game that isn't modern-themed or a sports game, and so on.