Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Game Easter Eggs


New Member
Jun 3, 2013
Everyone loves to find an Easter Egg in the games that they are playing. Whether it's the Minecraft easter egg in Borderlands 2, or the elevator dance party in Crysis 2, we all love them! Post some of your favorite easter eggs here and how we can access them!
There's one in the first Borderlands, too. I don't remember exactly where it is, but it involved shooting at barrels in a certain order. It was in an area close to the water, and the ensuing "scene" was very bizarre but quite hilarious. I think it's just called the "fish" easter egg, and it should work on any version (I did it on the PC version).
The random grunt in the final level of Halo 3 comes to mind, along with the RVB Easter eggs in multiple Halo games. I also recall the id graffiti Easter egg in Rage. Last, but certainly not least, the Call of Duty Zombies Easter eggs are great, although some of them can be a pain to complete.
Bayonetta is just full of them, really a heaven for old time Sega fans and whatnot.
Also, Black Ops 2 had that hidden game on the Nuketown map, that was really cool.
The random grunt in the final level of Halo 3 comes to mind, along with the RVB Easter eggs in multiple Halo games. I also recall the id graffiti Easter egg in Rage. Last, but certainly not least, the Call of Duty Zombies Easter eggs are great, although some of them can be a pain to complete.

Oh yeah, I forgot about those. I love Red vs. Blue, so that was another of my favorite Easter eggs. There's also the part of Halo 4 where the two marines are guarding crates and their dialogue is done by Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter, and it's pretty funny.

The other thing I just thought of was Fallout: New Vegas, though there may have been some in Fallout 3 as well. I thought the crashed alien ship in Fallout 3 was hilarious, even if it wasn't meant to be. The first thing I think of in New Vegas is a refrigerator with a skeleton in it, and the skeleton is wearing a fedora--an obvious jab at Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.