Xbox One xbox: thrustmaster ferrari racing wheel 399.99

Looks cool, but definitely on the pricey side. Mind you, it's a lot cheaper than the Saints Row 4 $1 million edition, but still out of reach for someone like me.
if its the same wheel shown in forza5 gamescom they need to fix the latency. watch but look more at his hands and game wheel.. its very off.
Cool? Sure. But for that price? Just a little over the top for me...
Wow, now that is really a steep price for a racing wheel but I guess I can see why it would be so pricey. Still, Why this won't be of any value to me, as I don't really care for too many accessories for a system, I can certainly see why this may appeal to many other people, especially those who are fond of racing games, such as the upcoming Forza 5.
Im pretty sure my neighbor will get this. Just becasue all he plays is racing games lol
I was thinking 150$, what the hell is this? Are you paying that much just because they stamp Ferrari's brand in there? Not even the Steel Battalion huge controller was this expensive!
Oh hey, that looks pretty nice. *looks at price* Woah there, pardner! This is just crazy. *walks away*
What?? $ 400 really? That's abit too expensive for a racing wheel. I mean what were they thinking? They are not selling ferraris here you know, when it comes to the gaming world, I believe the not so cheap and not so expensive gadgets yet best performing usually make it in this field :) They should have sold them for say $ 150 and everyone would have gotten themselves one, em included even though I wouldn't use it much :eek: