Xbox 360 Yoga anyone?


New Member
Nov 26, 2013
Does anyone know of any XBOXOne Yoga games. I've bought this system for my sons & husband but I want to get a full experience out of it. We had a Wii and previously other Xbox consoles, and I was always able to find a way to enjoy an exercise game. I know about Zumba and Lets dance but I need something more in my age range. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I don't think that there are any yoga game ps for the xbox one. The only fitness games that I know of for the xbox one have to be Kinect Sports rivals and the Zumba games but I don't think that there are any games that are specifically made for yoga. You could probably do a google search and see what results you get but I doubt it.

All the best!
Sadly, I think you're out of luck with this. I don't even know if it would be possible, even with the kinect. My advice is to just sign up to a yoga class in your local gym or somewhere like that.
There is xbox fitness that is on the one that you download. I think you have to download some of the workouts tho, not sure though yoga might be on it.
That doesn't strike me as an XBox kind of a game. Wii would be the place for that one.