Xbox One You Dream Custom Version of The One?


Feb 18, 2016
There are many awesome editions of the Xbox One available now and luckily where I live, they're hardly any more expensive than the normal One. My favorite has to be the Advanced Warfare edition. It looks utterly beautiful and the design of the controller got me to buy one. The Halo 5 edition is my second favorite, the colors are amazing and I love the blue accentuation. There is a company called Colorware that can customize a variety of your tech with high quality paint jobs done to spec, including your Xbox. They are expensive but if you want a truly unique console and controller, it's one way you can do it.

I would love to see a matte series or something like that. With matte black/white/gray/red/blue e.t.c versions of the controller and console. It will give them a stealthy and premium look, which is something I'd love to see.

If you could have a custom Xbox One console and controller, what colors would you make it or what theme would you base it on?
I just want a halo 1 themed edition. Nothing about the xbox compares to those first memories of being on an entirely new platform with this awesome fps that wasn't really like anything else at the time, all the fun with my friends and all that work we put in
@StockSwockle, I think that would look great. The memory of an old game wrapped around a new console is an awesome concept that I think Microsoft should definitely employ some day. I'm sure some fans of the older consoles will then feel more inclined to buy a new Xbox as a result of it looking familiar to them. The same way there was a retro colored PS4, there should be something similar done to the One.
Yeah, great point. I'd say above all else, there's a ton of people with jobs and lives that used to play halo 1 in their youth that are now probably raising a family and might not spend money on video games, but having a halo 1 themed 360 might get them to buy a console and a couple of games.
I would like to see something come out like a cover for the One. It could come in a variety of different colors and designs--like smartphone cases--so that you could have a different look as often as you like.
While I do understand that people want to see more and more if these special edition bundles, over here in the UK at least, they're not all that great when it comes to value for money.

Now I know that might sound a bit boring, but the Xbox one, even after the price cuts are still quite expensive machines, so if you can buy the console, the game and any other hardware you need and want separately for cheaper, surely that's the better option?
I agree that the pricing can be a little ridiculous sometimes, but if you consider the fact that it works the same with virtually every piece of tech, so it only makes sense. Given the fact that it is Microsoft, you can't expect much value for money either because I hate to say it but Microsoft is worse than Apple when it comes to being a greedy bunch of idiots.
I don't know, when you look at the prices of the Apple devices compared to those similar, I think Apple are on a par if not worse when it comes to overcharging their customers.

At least with Microsoft, especially when it comes to the Xbox one, the prices are slowly starting to come down, even though that is only due to their share of the market falling and Microsoft having to try and reverse that trend.
It is аlsо vеry еxсitingаs pеоplе in Xbоx аrе pаssiоnаtе аnd еnthusiаstiс аbоut thе things thеy dо. Whеn I jоinеd thе tеаm I wаs surprisеd hоw mаny hаrdсоrе gаmеrs wоrkеd in thе tеаm. Thоsе аrе thе pеоplе whо usеd tо plаy in thеir tееns аnd wеrе drеаming аbоut wоrking in gаming industry. Nоw thеy аrе building Xbоx Оnе. Drеаm соmе truе.