Any RuneScape players?


New Member
Mar 11, 2013
What do you think of the new combat? I used to play when it was classic > then the new RS and stopped from there. This game has lost focus and it's just trying to compete with WOW, which it never will.

RS Classic, those were the days. Usernames? Mine is BDLSk8er
I used to play Runescape. I had a lot of fun collecting items and points. I have not play it for 10 years. I have not play the new combat. I generally prefer classic or the original of any games. I feel like the remake or a follow-up of a game usually gets too mainstream and looses the originality or appeal of the first/original game. Maybe, its just me. Sorry, I am not going to give out a username.
I still play Runescape, and have been playing on and off since 06 or 07! I love the new combat system, the graphics updates, (there's a huge one coming in Runescape 3), and new voice acted quests. I've spent over 70 days in the game... :)
I used to play Runescape in 2007. Ever since the change, I have not played it, have not even given it a chance. I don't plan on playing it anytime soon. I played the free version of 07' for a while, but I couldn't start over. It's just one of those games where you get so far, and don't feel like getting everything again. It's just very repetitive.
I used to play Runescape for a good few years. I believe I got to around level 95. I stopped playing it though because basically I was too addicted to it. I think the best thing about Runescape was going in to the wilderness, there's always the chance you can get killed, but there's a lot of chance to pick up valuable items that other dead players have left behind!
I used to play Runescape for a good few years. I believe I got to around level 95. I stopped playing it though because basically I was too addicted to it. I think the best thing about Runescape was going in to the wilderness, there's always the chance you can get killed, but there's a lot of chance to pick up valuable items that other dead players have left behind!

Definitely one of the great aspects that Runecsape offered. I've done numerous PK's alone and with some members. I'm a bit ashamed that I remeber backstabbing a few that I wasn't particularly very fond of, but it's something to look out for. You have to watch your own back and never trust anyone.
Man, what a nostalgia wave. I used to play it a lot when i was was younger, but after trolling a lot new players, it lost it's charm.