Xbox One ARPG's on the Console


New Member
May 20, 2013
Do you think they'll do well? I remember playing D1 or 2 for my PS1 way back in the day, one of the first games I ever had. And I clocked hours and hours on it, but with D3 I can't see it doing that great. Granted I started playing d2 on PC and became a dedicated trader of items. Selling for JSP/Gold and whatnot was my bread and butter, so the RMAH and stuff in D3 was perfect for me, but most of the community hated it. But yeah, with D3's not so great replay-ability like d2 had, I can't see it really surviving on the console. What do you guys think?
I think it will be interesting to see how Diablo 3 is implemented on the PS4, I always think inventory and stuff that's easier with a mouse pointer is often quite tedious when converted for a controller use, but we'll see. I keep hoping someone will make a way to do it that's totally intuitive and blows my mind. Generally though, I would kind of tend to think the Diablo 3 ship has sailed, and most people who cared about it already have played it by now, but maybe I'm completely wrong. I bought it for the PC and enjoyed it for a while, the gameplay and moves are really fun, but playing those same 4 acts over and over got old to me.
I think it would be great to be honest, but the number of skills you have is too much. Your controller will only be able to dish out 10 or so moves out of 20-30 depending on what kind of class you have. While it would be an interesting concept to implement RPG's on consoles, I just think it wouldn't work out.
It'll work perfectly. We already had Diablo on the PS1, as you mentioned, but more recently we had Torchlight on 360 and that one played really damn nicely, IMO.