Xbox 360 Black Ops 2 Zombies Permanent Perks Guide


New Member
Nov 30, 2012
Here is a guide to unlocking the permanent perks in the tranzit mode and nuketown of Black Ops 2 Zombies. These perks are not exactly permanent as there are reports of people losing them after a certain amount of days/weeks or after having bad games. There has been no confirmation of why you lose them, but their nice to have when you get them. You'll need to have a second person to do the quick revive permanent perk but the rest can be done by yourself if need be. After you complete these, you should see a green ball or mist appear and that's how you'll know you got it. These don't work in the survival mode as far as we know so keep that in mind when you go for these. Below is everything we could find so far in regards to permanent perks for zombies. There are rumors that permanent perks are available for Juggernaut, Speed Cola, Double Tap, and Tombstone and we'll add these once they are confirmed and not waste anybody's time. If you find something we don't have on the list be sure to let us know so we can update it.

Quick Revive Permanent Perk
How: By reviving a teammate between 12 & 20 times in a game.
Best Way: have your teammates get knock down by zombies or lava in round 1 and keep reviving them until you get it.
What it does: Gives you faster revive just like you would have had if you had bought it.
Quick Revive Pro: After you get the quick revive perma perk or as long as you have it in game, buy quick revive from the machine and you'll now be able to revive teammates in one second.


Deadshot Daiquiri Permanent Perk
How: Kill two zombies with a double head shot (heads will explode) with one bullet.
Best Way: Let the zombies group together in a train while they are chasing you and once they are all grouped, turn around and aim for the heads while they are chasing you in a single line. Hopefully you'll kill two and get this perma perk.
What it does: Gives you a higher damage multiplier when aiming for the heads. Kills zombies like you were aiming for the head even when your shooting at the body without buying the perk.


Steel Barriers Permanent Perk
How: By rebuilding the wooden barriers 50 times
Best Way: Do this in round 1 or 2 and keep rebuilding barricades before zombies get in or knock you down.
What it does: Barriers are now steel and give you an extra 5 seconds before zombies can tear them down.

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These perks sound great! Thanks for the great post, I will have to try them out later!

Are there any others?