Xbox 360 Custom controllers!


Mar 22, 2013
Hey guys! I was just wondering where is good place to get a custom controller made? I'm not talking about getting a modded controller. I just want to get different color buttons, PS3 joysticks, ect. Have any of you found any great deals on custom controllers? I really appreciate any feedback! Thanks in advance for any help! :D
I always recommend voodoo controllers. It's an older company this been established for some time. They sure do make mods but can custom your controller to the liking with a live view of what it looks like.

Otherwise, I usually stumble on instagram and come across a couple decent companies. So that's another alternative.
I agree with Funky Jammer. I have used Voodoo before and I am very happy with my purchase. I did not get a modded controller (though they offer those) but I got a custom controller that had several unique colors. On Voodoo you can edit each component of your controller, and this is a feature that I liked very much. In total, I think I paid around 65 dollars for my controller. I may have had a promotional code, but I don't exactly remember.
Custom controller are visually cool but seriously... DON'T MOD. It takes all the fun out of a game and gives you a ridiculous advantage that ruins it for everyone else. You are not better than anyone if you use mods. The scoreboard may say otherwise, but you are a cheater to me if you use a mod.
I posted about scufgaming controllers in another thread, I didn't see this one. They seem to be up there in quality and customer service. I'm still kind of torn, but ill have to check out voodoo as well. It's a hard decision seeing that it's a lot of money to invest in a controller.
I would strongly recommend making your own. It's actually pretty enjoyable and you have complete control over everything. You can buy most of the parts for some pretty good prices off of eBay, and there are so many tutorials online to help you with the assembly. It can also be a lot cheaper if you already have a controller. I guess it really depends on what you want and how complicated your needs are. If you have any questions about creating your own, just ask me, I'd love to help.
Interesting, I wouldn't have ever though about doing this. So you end up just buying all the parts off eBay and assembling it yourself? Do you try to get better "guts" or are you just Frankenstein(ing) a bunch of old controllers together? Seems to me the point of having something that's custom would be that its better than your average xbox controller. Do you have any pictures of one you've made yourself?
Well, it seemed like the OP was interested in aesthetic modifications to the controller, and those are really simple to do. All of the buttons in a controller simply slide out, making them easy to replace with different ones. LEDs in the buttons are a bit more complicated and require simple knowledge of soldering, nothing too complex though. In terms of actual improvements that would benefit gameplay, you can replace the thumbsticks, d-pad, and possibly triggers (not sure).

In terms of painting, you have three options. You can get spray paint such as Krylon Fusion and paint base colors, or use stencils to get a bit more advanced. Another option would be airbrushing to get high detail and really make a controller pop, but if you don't already have the supplies and know-how, it's not going to be viable. Finally, my personal favorite, is a process called hydro dipping. It's used commercially on things such as gun parts, but most of the big custom controller companies use it for their controllers. In simple terms, hydro dipping is the process of taking a pattern and applying it to a 3D object. It can make controllers look stunning, and it's really a simple process. You can buy kits online and apply them to your controller shells.

I may be able to find an old shell that I painted, and I have plenty of parts if you want a picture of those too. It's pretty late right now, so I'll look for it in the morning.

For those wondering what a hydro dipped controller could look like: www .

And for anybody thinking about doing their own: www .

Sorry, I'm not allowed to insert direct links yet, just copy and paste them into a new tab and delete the spaces before and after the dots.