Xbox One Do any supposed feature of the Xbox One make or break your want of it?


New Member
May 25, 2013
Do any supposed features of the Xbox One make or break your want of it?

In other words, is there one feature that makes you either want to buy it or not want to buy it? For me, the key issue is the idea that games can only be bought new, either through retailers or by digital download (or some combination of both). I buy a ton of used games, and I certainly don't want to pay full price for every single game. If that rumor is true, even partly, it makes me flat out refuse to ever buy the Xbox One.

Another issue is the "always-online" controversy, but it doesn't necessarily make me not want to buy it. I think it's ridiculous though, especially with the spotty internet that we have. Even the best ISPs have off-days, and we shouldn't have to suffer because of it. That said, I hope if they do choose to implement that idea that they come up with a reliable fail-safe in case that happens.

On the other hand, the one thing I do like about the console is the Blu-Ray player, but it doesn't sell me on it. After all, my PS3 already does that, and it's one generation back. I also like that the controller isn't some weird mashup of new buttons and that it will remain relatively similar to the 360's controller, which I think is a really effective design as it is.
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The supposed used game fees breaks it for me, but that's apparently not a real thing. The "have to go online at least once every 24 hours" "feature" sure is another stinker. All other features are unimportant to me and don't make or break it, but these two "features" are awful.
There are definitely a few things that I'm not a fan of on the Xbox one, but nothing is a large enough deterrent to break it for me. These are just minor nuisances for what I hope will be a fantastic product.
Always online (or once a day online), used game restriction (unless done right perhaps), no backwards compatibility. Seriously, it doesn't seem like their caring to much about the consumer on this one but rather seeing how much they can get away with.
I plan on getting it, but I can always change my mind when I hear more information that confirms whether rumors are true or false. The Kinect being voice commanded and allowing support for Television is definitely a plus IMO. I get tired of TV remotes and changing the input channel xD
I definitely agree with the used games situation and always-on feature. Neither have fully come to light as of yet, and I definitely have my doubts that you'll have to be online to do any gaming on the One, but I'm not fond of either concept.
I also don't like the constantly online thing, because what if I don't want to be online. Just because people are constantly online doesn't mean that things never go wrong.
I'm upset Microsoft is going for HD-DVD2, big deal breaker for me. Come on Microsoft, have some balls! Give us a product we neither want nor need just to mess around with Sony some more and re ignite the war!
The always online feature puts me right off, it just reeks of back-door suspicion in my eyes, Microsoft can easily spy on you with all this new technology. I happen to think that the ability to switch quickly between a game, a movie, TV and music was quite impressive on the reveal, but I'm not sure how necessary that is on a gaming console. Overall PS4 is still looking more appealing to me, and I think the new controller looks like it's going to be a good improvement also.
One of the features I'm pretty excited for is the TV option as well. I'm curious to see how it compares to watching TV on a computer, or obviously on a TV.

Also as Claptrap stated, the used game fee is steering me away from buying it as well. Hopefully it's just a rumor.
I'm upset Microsoft is going for HD-DVD2, big deal breaker for me. Come on Microsoft, have some balls! Give us a product we neither want nor need just to mess around with Sony some more and re ignite the war!

But it doesn't have HD-DVD2, it has blu-ray. (Would post source but i can't post links yet. Google it)