Xbox 360 Do you Enjoy Black Ops 2 as Much as You Enjoyed Modern Warfare 3?


New Member
Mar 19, 2013
Personally, I hated MW3, and I thought that it was the end for the call of duty series. I was surprised by how much I liked Black Ops 2. Now I know that the Call of Duty series has bumped it up. So, did you like Black Ops 2 as much as you liked Modern Warfare 3? And do you think the new call of duty games are going to continue to be as good?
I never liked MW3, i sold my copy shortly after buying it.

I enjoy Black Ops 2, and often play it. So yes, i do rather Black Ops 2 over MW3
I started cod on black ops and loved it, then mw3 came out and ruined cod for me... mw3 is sooo bad in my opinion. Black ops 2 is awesome!!!! love it so much but i dont play it as much anymore.
MW3 was a massive disappointing for me. I stopped playing it after a week due to the fact that you can easily get dropped in 3, sometimes 2 hits. In other words, they made it too realistic (the irony, right?). Black ops 2 is absolutely fantastic. I love it almost as much as black ops 1 (black ops 1 will always have the number one place in my heart). The only thing I don't like much about it (bo2) are the maps, but I can work around those with ease.

Only time will tell as to whether the new cod games will get better. They're going quite far into the technological trend, but I'm really hoping they won't begin to have a halo feel to it.
Black ops is the way to go. MW3 left a bad taste in my mouth. Stopped playing after day two.
Although I played MW3 all year long last year I have to admit it wasn't as fun as Black Ops is, I remember playing the first Black Ops and how great it was the second is even better, I traded my copy of Mw3 when Black Ops 2 came out and I've been playing it since, it's the most fun I've had in the CoD series so far.
not much of a fan of Black ops 2, i played it only once, got a dragonfly. Couldn't place it the whole game. (Never did place it) and never played again.
Black Ops 2 was fun, yes, however MW3 was more fast-paced and arcade-like in my opinion.
MW3's style was more to my my liking, though I don't think I would know how to rate either one as being objectively better than the other.
I love Black Ops II, it is a lot better than MW3. I too thought MW3 was the start of the fall of Call of Duty, but with Black Ops II I know that is not the case.
I really enjoyed the first games of the series. These futuristic crazy mambo-jambo isn't really my cup of tea... but, the multiplayer is fun. The campaign is decent even if it's nowhere close to the classics. In my eyes, COD is getting worse, not better... sadly.
Black Ops two had a much better developer, thus making it a better game in whole, so yes.
Bo2 is ehhh I don't like it much. Maybe the single player is ok but multi is ehh
I haven't played the second one, but I was a bit disappointed in Black Ops. I prefer the games made by the other studio, actually. I find the multiplayer in Black Ops is more challenging because the graphics are weird. I never played on an HD monitor, but on a pretty big standard definition TV it was really difficult to see enemy players until after they'd shot you in the face.
I enjoyed MW 3, but it had the least staying power for me than any post-CoD 4 title in the series. This is because it is essentially a revised MW 2, and while all CoD games are very similar, MW 2 and 3 would be hard to distinguish for someone who isn't as familiar with them. I think it served a purpose, as MW 2 is a horribly broken game, (admittedly, that's also part of the reason it was so fun) but the "been there, done that" feeling was hard to shake off.

Black Ops 2 is a pretty good game, and was definitely fresh when it first released; Treyarch is pretty good at shaking things up. I don't revere it as much as the original Black Ops, but it is a solid title and I definitely prefer it to MW 3. It's not without problems, but to me, it has compensated for its shortcomings.
I guess it depends on whether you prefer playing multiplayer or just single player. I like both, regardless of the game, but there isn't always a good balance between the two. The story in Black Ops was pretty cool, I thought, if not a bit too brief. It feels more immersive than Modern Warfare games, but I don't care as much for the multiplayer because it feels sloppy and unfinished.
I was more into the story and weapons in Modern Warfare 3, definitely, but the moral choices and customizable loadouts in Black Ops 2 really seal the deal. I actually like the story in Call of Duty games quite a bit (I know, I know, I'll probably get weird looks for that), and so having a good story is really important. Modern Warfare 3 had a better written and more satisfying story, in my opinion, but Black Ops 2 really added a layer of re-playability. As for the multiplayer, I think I enjoy them both equally. I flip between the two a lot, actually. I think it's the ACR that I love so much that keeps me coming back to Modern Warfare 3, heh.
I like BO2 overall a lot better, especially on multiplayer. I've had this discussion many times, especially with one friend of mine who likes MW better. I felt MW had a good idea for a story, but it didn't quite click in the end. BO2 was pretty solid overall. Good plot, and I didn't get as confused by it. And the maps on multiplayers are extremely addicting!