Xbox One Do you expect any RROD's?


Apr 24, 2013
Since the Xbox One has upgraded their specs and hardware, are you expecting any RROD's (Red Ring of Death) in this console? Previously, users were a bit discouraged at Microsoft at how often they got the RROD's, and looked down upon their hardware. Microsoft recently overclocked their GPU which is making me a little concerned about the RROD and overheating issues, but overall, I'm convinced that the Xbox One will counter it this time.

What are your thoughts and opinions?
Hmm, part of me is hoping that there won't be any, but my common sense is telling me to expect them . It's quite ridiculous how common the RROD's were in the first place, but hopefully they will have learned from their mistakes and done some comprehensive testing of their console before releasing it. It's difficult what we can expect, no one predicted that the RROD would be there in the first place so my guess now would just be a guess. We will have to wait and see, and hope for the best.
That thought is definitely always in the back of my head as now I', sure many people are wary of launch consoles. However, Microsoft recently announced that the reason the Xbox One is so large is because it's design will help with heat dissipation and reduce the amount of noise the system's fan makes. So hopefully, no one will have to deal with any kind of Red Ring of Death situation. I guess we will find out in a couple of months.
i dont expect it.. and i think microsoft is smarter than that at this point. just because they cloked the ram dosnt mean it will be like that via launch it could have been a test to see what they could do with it.
They aren't rushing to the market this time so I don't see any problems of that kind happening. If they do then there wouldn't be any excuse.

But now, any errors will fall within the normal margin and standards I would think.
The issue wasn't so much rushing to market as it was shoddy materials and bad construction. Now you might think that this time it'd be avoided, but considering how little thought seems to have initially been put into this project I don't know what to expect - maybe it won't RROD, but nothing says it won't logic brick - especially if supposedly they pulled all the digital stuff people hated. We'll see in the end.
Seeing how huge the console is, i think overheating is a thing of the past. It may have another similar problems like it, but not the RROD problem. Let's just hope they work it out before releasing it for the first time, i wouldn't want another 360 catastrophe.
It's very probable yes, but I believe they've been working on making that not happen. They've invested a lot into these consoles and are upgrading the hardware as much as possible. Obviously with insane usage the console is bound to die eventually, but I don't think RRoD's will be *much* of a problem anymore. I don't think they'll be gone entirely, but they won't be anywhere near as common as with the 360.
Microsoft seems to have took all the precautions to protect against RROD's.
The console has been designed almost for! So I do not think there will be problems.
I still think Microsoft should not overlocker their processor, but I think Microsoft engineers know what they do!

This is Sony scares me because the console is really small and thin. I wonder if there will be a good ventilation system.

We will see at the launching!
Doubtful. And to be certain, I doubt any Red LED lights will even be installed in the system.
I doubt that is going to happen but I would be dumb if I said that there won't be any problems.
So while I can't see any RROD's happening to the Xbox One I do believe there will still be a few problems as are expected with anything like this.
I hope there's no system failures, but I expect them from both the X1 and PS4. Part of the reason I'm waiting a while before I get anything.
I am confident that they learnt their lesson with problems like RROD and laser burnt disks do I don't expect those to be returning. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if another hardware issue comes up, though, but considering most hardware problems were due to their rush to get the console out before PS3/Wii I doubt there will be as many or that they will be as severe.