Xbox One EA to discontinue Online Passes


Former Moderator
Dec 16, 2012

One of the first publishers to dabble in the idea of an “online pass” – whereby gamers were charted a fee for accessing certain online content if they purchased a title pre-owned – has decided to do away with the program.

EA senior director of corporate communications John Reseburg has told VentureBeat. “Yes, we’re discontinuing Online Pass. None of our new EA titles will include that feature.”

Interestingly, Reseburg claims the decision is based on consumer feedback. “Initially launched as an effort to package a full menu of online content and services, many players didn’t respond to the format. We’ve listened to the feedback and decided to do away with it moving forward.”

To me, this is great news. You?
Not the smartest business move as sales of pre-owned games will certainly increase now, although it might foster a bit of consumer goodwill which could potentially counteract the loss of sales. Anyway, I see anything that increases consumer options and choice as a good thing so I'm really happy to see this move happen.
They will probably think of some other way to get money. Getting rid of Online Passes was a bad thing for us. They're going to implement something like pay to win or add microtransactions. This is why EA is a horrible company.
Finally they did something smart. Wasn't that hard, was it?
Who thought this was a good idea in the first place anyway?

Let's hope that EA starts to get better with the time.
Wow, EA is making a good choice for once. Let's hope they keep on heading in a better direction quality-wise, considering they will be making our next Star Wars games and all. I still refuse to get the online pass for SR3, what a lame lame lame idea.
I think this is probably the best decision they've made in a while.. now if they can just keep it up. But, yeah, I suspect another method coming soon that makes it easier for them to take our money.
Hey, I guess EA is able of doing some good things once in while! Surprising!
we were talking about this a few days ago, I dunno if it's a ploy to try and get better reception after the whole "worst company" deal but I really hope this is true. Ironically this would boost used games sales which would be really funny if next gen consoles did the whole single user thing haha
That's amazing news! I had to buy Microsoft points about a year ago, just to buy that online pass. I borrowed FIFA 12 from a from and my friend already used the online code, so I had to buy Microsoft points and buy the new code. Kinda defeats the purpose of buying used games, so I am so glad that this has happened!
This is great news! Now people can trade and borrow EA games. It was a stupid idea anyway! If I already bought your game, let me enjoy it online and offline! Not forcing me to keep a certain account and such.
I'm happy to see this, it was unnecessary and would just have put gamers off Xbox a little bit more. This is probably the wisest decision I've seen thus far from Xbox regarding their online content.
Fantastic news. I don't see how it couldn't be fantastic, This is great for consumers whether or not you buy new or old games. They were a slight inconvenience for those who buy new and really annoying for the used gamers. If EA continues with these good virtues then I will start buying from them again!
Its about time honestly. I think what they aimed at accomplishing with this was a big fail. They wanted a chunk of change from used game sales or try and force people to buy new games.
I think that that's a great move, given the fact that most gamers were starting to hate on EA, maybe it would save them a little.
Its about time honestly. I think what they aimed at accomplishing with this was a big fail. They wanted a chunk of change from used game sales or try and force people to buy new games.
This is exactly what I told my friends when EA had started this mambo jumbo, I even prophesied that they wouldn't get far with this move. I wonder who comes up with such decisions on EA. SMH
Fantastic news. I don't see how it couldn't be fantastic, This is great for consumers whether or not you buy new or old games. They were a slight inconvenience for those who buy new and really annoying for the used gamers. If EA continues with these good virtues then I will start buying from them again!
I wouldn't agree less, EA was starting to loose a lot of it's fans due to unplanned "greed" I mean it one thing to be doing business for a profit and one thing to be greedy.