Xbox One Family Share Not Dead


New Member
Jun 16, 2013
Portsmouth, VA
There’s a few things we won’t be able to deliver as a result of this change," Marc Whitten, v.p. of Xbox Live told Kotaku, "One of the things we were very exicted about was 'wherever we go my games are always with me.' Now, of course, your physical games won’t show up that way. The content you bought digitally will. But you’ll have to bring your discs with you to have your games with you. Similarly, the sharing library [is something] we won’t be able to deliver at launch.
- Marc Whitten

sweet I am glad that they are still trying to get it to work even though I will have to wait and see. :eek:
I am really surprised at this and honestly will be shocked to see it actually come about. PSN had something similar until the Publishers made them scale it back. After the reversal today the Publishers must be pissed. I am guessing this is PR, no more negativity. It will just be something that never happens.
I don't see why everyone's getting so worked up over this. First, it was the always-online requirement that everyone hated. Now everyone's saying how disappointed they are that there won't be a family share option. Personally I prefer to share games the old fashioned way, but that's just me. There's still a lot to like about the Xbox One, and I feel like there's less to overlook now that the online thing is bust.