Xbox 360 Favorite Things To Build in Minecraft?


New Member
Feb 22, 2013
What are your favorite things to build while playing Minecraft? I enjoy making tree-houses, underwater buildings and large tunnels. On one of my first few seeds, I had burrowed a huge tunnel under my home and I found plenty of diamonds and lava. It's also fun to have a few tree-houses scattered around. I guess they kind of act like forts for the mobs at night. About the underwater buildings, it's possible to construct a building under water if you place ladders on the inside doorway so water can't come in. It's like one of those underwater hotels you see on TV! I also just like to explore and venture out sometimes, too.
I don't have Minecraft. I have not been sold on the idea of a "sandbox world that you can infinitely manipulate" as being fun. It would seen to get boring.
I don't have Minecraft. I have not been sold on the idea of a "sandbox world that you can infinitely manipulate" as being fun. It would seen to get boring.
It's really just one of those games you have to try to enjoy. It may seem pointless and the thought of "no end" could scare you, but once you get playing and personally playing with friends is better, you will really see why Minecraft is a good game. It can get boring at times, but what game doesn't?
My favorite things to build in Minecraft are traps and secret entrances. The reason for this is protection and to keep items from getting stolen when playing with others. There is nothing like dropping another player in a mob trap full of creepers lol.
In Minecraft I always build functional thing because i only play survival for example i don't build things like giant fake TV's in the bedrooms. So the main things i build are big mob spawners and huge survival complexes with food stores and farms for when i'm playing hardcore.
I tend to build large scale words and phrases. I know it sounds childish, but it's pretty fun. I once built "If you can read this, you are a homosexual". I made it so you actually had to fly all the way up to the top of the map before you could read it.