I am a new user here and also new to the X-Box experience. Being a little older, I wanted to play games as a means to keep my mind active. Whenever I have a computer problem I do research on the internet. Most of the time I can find answers, but not always. So here is the problem that I am having. I just purchased the X Box Series X console and the setup instructions that came with it are very slim. But I was able to work my way through much of it. The problem that I have is that there is no sound coming from my external speakers. I reviewed a lot of the recommendations on the internet and tried different settings. None of it worked. I had to use a HDMI cable that did not come with the console. It is a Monster cable and it is per the specified specs required by X Box. I am getting a good video, but no sound. Now it is my impression that the HDMI Cable carries video and sound. So I connected the cable between the X Box and to my monitor. I have yet to try the headset. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!