Hey everyone!

FC The Nuts BTS

New Member
Dec 7, 2012
Hey everyone! I just signed up here and thought I'd say hello. I've already commented on another post and have enjoyed what I've seen here so far. I'm a former "sports game junkie" who has played pretty much only COD for the last 2-3 years on Xbox360. I'm still learning, but thanks to some great players I've met in COD, I'm pretty decent. My K/D isn't the greatest, but that's due to me playing the objective at all costs. I can go positive with the best of them so don't get me wrong. Actually, I think K/D is WAY overrated. Anyone can sit in a corner and boost their K/D. I do my work on the run and my scores prove that. I do like the way BO2 has the "Scorestreaks" as it fits in with how I play and I lead most of the rooms I'm in. Anyways, I'm known on Facebook for writing novels about the games I play there and it seems I just wrote my first one here. I'll do my best not to bore you in the future...lol