Howdy Y'all


New Member
Mar 5, 2013
Engaged in Spiritual Warfare
Figured I'd do the cool thing and take a minute to introduce myself.

Time and money have lessened my overall gaming from what it used to be, but I still love to sit down with a 360 or original box or PC or tablet or DS. One thing that's especially awesome is that my wife like to cuddle up and watch while I play games. Consequently I've been playing more games on the tablet and DS than anything else lately. That trend will probably continue for awhile to give us some time relaxing together once our son is born here in 8 weeks or so. I'm sure at some point I'll do more console gaming, and it will be with the Xbox, as I generally don't care for the PS line, and I'm not sure how I feel about the Wiis. I try to stay up-to-date on new games and hardware though, even now.
Kudos to you on your new life and endeavors! Good to have to you here at the forums. Enjoy your time here.
Welcome to the forums, please enjoy your visit.