Xbox 360 I need some gaming time!


New Member
Aug 27, 2013
The place I work at has been CRAZY the last couple months. Mandatory overtime is killing my gaming time. Don't get me wrong. I love the money and everything. But most weekends and 10-12 hour days doesn't leave much time to spend it....or play with any new, shiny toys you could buy!

It should be over soon.There's just a rush for the parts we make because we ship to countries that don't celebrate the holidays when we do (if at all). So if they're working, we need to make sure they can get the parts for our Christmas shutdown.

I really need to go back to Splinter Cell and finish some co-op stuff. Maybe finally play Spies vs. Mercs. I'm only level 6 in BF4. And I just know I'm going to get my butt kicked when I get back in there lol

My roomie just bought Portal 2 , so we can run through that in co-op and get him some of those achievements he lives for. And, one day soon I swear, I'll finish Batman: Origins!

Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing some awesome games were delayed! :)
Yeah I have a similar problem. I am in school and working, so its hard for me to get any gaming time at all.
Finding time to sit down and play is hard with work, school, the holidays (which you'd think would give you a decent amount of time, but nah), and other stuff.
I hear ya man!

For the past month (and thank god it's finally over), I was on 12 hour shifts EVERY...SINGLE...DAY. All I did was sleep and work it drove me nuts. Granted the pay check was nice, I missed my valuable gaming time. Not only that, but it took me awhile to knock the rust off on games I play religiously like COD and Madden. I stunk so bad once I finally got my free time back that it wasn't even fun for me. Luckily I got my groove back, but hang in there, your free time will come and it's one of the best feelings ever
I've been lucky for the past couple of years because I've been working for a state agency that doesn't do overtime... ever. That has its good and bad points (overtime money would be nice at Christmas time when the wife wants expensive electronics and jewelry) but at the end of the day, it's nice to have time to come home and play my Xbox. Don't know how much longer I'll be working there, though, and the new place I've applied to typically doles out a pretty good bit of overtime. Might be in your shoes, soon!
I'm really backed up on my games. It doesn't help that I keep buying more LOL I just bought Peggle and Lego Marvel. Might get NFS and Max over the holiday break.
The worst part of the holiday season is that while I now have a gamestop card that I can use to buy more games, I still have zero time to play them (between work, school, family time, and now a freelance project).
Juggliing between work, family, and friends can get in the way of gaming. I've been busy working these days that I could barely squeeze one to hours for gaming and even that I get sidetracked with family affairs.
That sucks, bro, but I can't say I could really relate at the moment, hahaha... I've been doing basically nothing at all lately! Oh well, I will have much less free time starting in January so I'm taking advantage of it while it lasts!

Playing all the games!
Time management is getting tougher as worldwide economies worsen and our lives get fuller. Hope you find time soon!
I'm really backed up on my games. It doesn't help that I keep buying more LOL I just bought Peggle and Lego Marvel. Might get NFS and Max over the holiday break.

Buying new games is usually my problem. I'll have a backlog of games already and see games up for the low and I'll just...pile more on.
I'll stack more games on as well and end up with a bunch of stuff I'll have to cut through. When you have open world games in the list, forget about it.
Finding time to game after you have to deal with grownup responsibilities is tough. But it is possible. It's just the task of being able to adequately manage your time so that you can sqeeze in some time. Of course, you most likely won't even find the same kind of time you had before you had to work full time or before you had a family to take care of, but you can still find quality gaming time during most days. Even if you have to sacrifice some sleep for it, LOL.
Oh yeah sleep has to take backseat sometimes. Especially on days off.
Your taking gaming for granted there, buddy. See gaming as a privilege, for those who have free time. So do yer work before you complain about how limited your gaming time is.
I manage to get in a good amount gaming time actually. My work schedule is pretty static and it's a day schedule (which is awesome for me).
Sooner or later, I’ll probably have to get into a 9-5 job myself, and depending whether or not I can get flexible hours in, gaming might be put at a massive halt for me. I haven’t been playing many games lately due to building up a portfolio for my dream job, and having to look for part time jobs while learning for a better job will occupy most of my time.

And considering how impatient I am with the relatives nowadays, I have a higher sense of urgency to become a workaholic for fulfilling the ambition to hopefully live alone, and hopefully start dating with female gamers as well. Only so many hours in a day, though I figure that if you can pop in a half hour or even 15 minutes might help gradually each week. It may not be as fulfilling, but at least the games aren't left in the dust. :D
Only so many hours in a day, though I figure that if you can pop in a half hour or even 15 minutes might help gradually each week. It may not be as fulfilling, but at least the games aren't left in the dust. :D

I'm sure you can get in more that 15 or 30 minutes a week. At least I hope you'll be able to lol.
I hope Wuggles is able to get in more time as well. Really I'd like for everyone to get in plenty of time to play, but I know that not everyone has flexible time. Some people really have to grind to the point where it's like they have no time, why do they even have a TV and console, etc because you're going to work, eat, go to bed and do it all over again.