Implementation of Skype on Xbox Live?


New Member
Apr 29, 2013
So we all know that Windows Live has been available forever on the Xbox, but what about Skype seeing as the Live was migrated over to there now. What do you think are the chances of dedicated skype clients within the dashboard and maybe even video calling through the Kinect camera? It would sure make for more interesting capabilities of calling people while you're in game and having their video in a PIP in the corner of the screen.

Do you think there is now a chance of that happening, or do you think they'll hold out until the 720?
I hope that I can get this feature on my Xbox 360, as I will likely not getting the 720 for several years or so. Skype integration with the Xbox would be so cool! In game or just casually with a big TV screen skype-ing my brother off in college would be much cooler than just through the laggy webcams. Xbox has so many features that could be added, but they come so slowly!
Yeah, and hopefully they can manage to actually integrate this with maybe another dashboard update or something similar, but who knows only time will tell us the rumours! Though I dont think I checked wether my Skype login details worked in the field for Windows Live messenger! Should be something I should test out just to see if maybe even text chat will be working with Skype yet.

All the possibilities!
I really hope they do it, would be amazing for me as I use Skype FREQUENTLY.
Would be a cool feature especially for some games that don't have the voice chat option.