Is Nintendo doomed?


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2011
I want some opinions here. Now that big gaming companies have said they will no longer be producing games for the Wii U (EA) and next gen consoles from Microsoft and Sony just around the holiday corner is the big N about to see the curtain? The hardware is technically far behind and the games are lacking in promotional punch. Could Nintendo pull a Sega and just like Sonic The Hedgehog start making games for rival hardware manufacturers?
I don't think that Nintendo are doomed yet but I certainly think they need to find their A game now or they will be.
The thing with Nintendo is that they have a niche market in the family/casual gamer so they never really had the big names making games for them but that's fine because they have their own stable with Mario,smash bros,starfox etc.
Nintendo knew they were making an inferior console at the time but pressed ahead anyway hoping that wii users would upgrade to wiiU however this has not happened.
Its time to release their top tier games now or else they will suffer at the hands of the other 2 companies releasing their 4th gen consoles.
The only Wii U game we spend any time playing is Lego City Undercover. To its credit, it is an incredibly awesome game (basically Grand Theft Auto 4 sized but everything is Legos). But yeah... everything else so far that we would want to play is multiplatform anyway, and I would just rather use something that isn't a tablet to play games.
I don't think the company is doomed just yet. You still have the hardcore fans who buy everything Nintendo puts out no matter if it's good or bad. I know a bunch of obsessed Nintendo fans who will be happy to keep them afloat. I can see Nintendo sinking in the next 20 years if they don't put out anything innovative soon. They need to keep up with the rest of the gaming trends or pave the way again.
I read an article yesterday that Conker Bad Fur Day creators could be working on a new title for Wii U, possibly Conker 2. If it were true, I may have to buy a Wii U just for that. However, Microsoft owns Rare now and chances of this happening are very slim.
Yes I believe that Nintendo is on a one way to kicket to bankrupt. It stinks, Nintendo is basically my favorite gaming platform. I hate how their last few systems have just failed so badly. I even have a 3ds, showing that I do support Nintendo... But the Wii U looks gosh darn awful. No offense or anything but I would have to be rich or stupid to be that. It may be fun but it is more of a gimmick compared to the first Wii, which was new and a great evolution in gaming entertainment.
Far from it. They haven't brought out the big guns for the Wii U and the 3DS seems to be doing fairly well. We haven't had a Pokemon game, a Zelda game, a 3D Galaxy-like Mario game, a Star Fox game or even a Sonic game since the launch of the 3DS which was over 2 years ago. Even a new Smash Bros. game would drastically bring sales.for the Wii U.
I really don't think Nintendo is doomed at all. I think the Wii-U is just getting started and we are yet to see what kinds of games are to come out for it. So far it seems to be going really well, and of course the original Wii too was quite a big hit. I think compared to PlayStation and Xbox though, the Nintendo will never be on par.
Apparently only Nintendo can pull off a Smash Bros style game, since Playstation All-Stars tanked super hard. Smash Bros Melee was one of the best reasons to own a Gamecube back in the day, too. I think Nintendo has to be careful because pulling away from Sony/Microsoft helped them out a lot for the last generation, but if they keep pulling away who knows where they'll end up. I still want to see some solid 3DS fare too, since that still looks like the lone bastion of 3D gaming that the public will tolerate.
I still think that the WiiU will pull ahead and be the number one selling console once again. Sure they're at a slow point now and I think they've made quite the blunder out of their whole situation but they've got a lot of time and eventually people are going to switch over. The WiiU's still going to appeal to the same audience the Wii did and I think that these people are going to choose the WiiU over the PS4 and Xbox One everyday of the week.
Doesn't it kind of seem like Nintendo should go the route of Sega and make their games for other consoles? It seems like they make great games, but not so great consoles anymore. Except I guess their handhelds are still pretty decent, but I'd still way rather have a Nintendo game on my iPhone than on a separate device. Nintendo hardware tends to be a bit behind the times usually to me. The Wii wasn't HD, and they were late to embrace online play, etc.
I still think that the WiiU will pull ahead and be the number one selling console once again. Sure they're at a slow point now and I think they've made quite the blunder out of their whole situation but they've got a lot of time and eventually people are going to switch over. The WiiU's still going to appeal to the same audience the Wii did and I think that these people are going to choose the WiiU over the PS4 and Xbox One everyday of the week.

Seriously? I highly doubt that for multiple reasons. One: It's 2013 not 2005, people want graphics AND gameplay not just gameplay. The Wii U is about 5 years behind in terms of console graphics. Two: The last few consoles that nintendo has released have been had to seel at a loss. Now what does that tell you about Nintendo? They are not on top anymore. Apparently far from it now.
No, I see this all over the internet and I just can't see why people think that Nintendo is doomed because the Wii U isn't doing as well as hoped.

First of all, every console that has been released in the last generation has sold way below what their expected sales were. If we compare, the Wii U has sold 200,000 less than the Xbox 360 after half of year of sales. These numbers are 3.62m and 3.81m respectively.

As shown by the last generation, the Xbox and PS sales shot right up after a year of release. The Wii U wasn't released at a very good time, considering that, it hasn't done too bad on sales.

The Wii U also has a very promising line-up and it will soon be a console that will be able to compete with the next generation. People might not realise it yet, but Nintendo have a lot of tricks up their sleeve that can really push up Wii-U sales.
Part of the problem with the Wii U is that people don't want to buy it because it has no games. Third party developers don't want to make games for the console because people aren't buying it. It's a vicious cycle. With that said Nintendo isn't doomed. I think come christmas time people will jump on the Wii U since I get a feeling that Xbox One and Ps4 are going to be let downs.