Xbox One Kinect vs Playstation Move vs Wii - Best?


New Member
Feb 18, 2013
If you've had any experience with the other motion based systems how do they stack up against each other? I personally feel like the Move is the worse of these systems, the Kinect is only a little bit better, and the Wii is the best. The problem I have with the Move is that not only is it kind of retarded, but like the Kinect not much thought was put into making it make sense within the context of the game. Instead of game that blah blah blah via Kinect, it's a game that you can also use with Kinect... to a point. At least Wii games are about the system and that's probably why they're more successful for me. The Kinect on top of not really being integrated into most of the games that use it also has space problems. I don't have ten feet of space to use this thing. Also most of the games for it have been several kinds of fail. Anyway what's your opinion?
The Kinect is an awesome exercise in technology, when it works. It's unfortunate that other than a few exercise/sports/dance games, it really hasn't found a huge core market. And the physical space requirement can be a bit of a hassle, as I have to constantly adjust furniture and lighting in the room to get an "ideal" pickup. And as a tall guy, it seems to have trouble with my proportions in relation to character movement, especially when playing games like Kinect Sports.

I honestly like the technology behind the PS Move. It's proven to be more accurate in terms of tracking than my Wii, and the few games I have that are designed with the Move in mind work well (Time Crisis in particular). The problem is how few games actually work well with it. I still can't play first person shooters like Killzone without getting frustrated.

The Wii is well, the Wii. It was the first motion controller system of that generation, and is the measuring stick by which all others are compared. Obviously it has more games designed with it's use in mind, and those games do work better, but damn do I still get pissed off with how inaccurate it can be at times.

So overall, I really don't like any of them enough to give a thumbs up recommendation to a friend, but if I had to pick just one, I probably would go with the Kinect. I definitely get more exercise when using it.
The new Kinect looks sweet, and is suppose to be more accurate than the last gen Kinect. and they said it can be used in smaller rooms more close up. I am looking forward to the new one.
Out of the three, it depends on what you're buying it for.

I would say buy the Kinect if you actually want to work out. The sensor is really accurate, and you get a good workout from it if you play certain games that require you to move around. Choose the Wii if you want some casual exercise. I mainly use it to play some sensor activated games like Mario Kart where you only move your hands instead of your whole body. I don't have much experience for the Playstation Move though.
Kinect 2 over everything.
Personally, I don't like any of them. As a console owner who prefers using a controller, I think the new motion sensors are pointless.
If I had to choose one, it would either be the Kinect or Wii. Playstation is being intelligent not putting as much time into motion sensors as most of the console gaming community don't use them.
I agree with unble. Honestly I loved the wii's motion control controller, but after that I just couldn't get into it that much. I mean I could see how it would be fun but with so many bugs and terrible glitches with the systems of Kinect and now Sony's new one. I just don't love the technology yet I guess.