Xbox 360 Longest amount of time playing a game?


New Member
Nov 15, 2013
What is the longest amount of time you ever spent playing an Xbox (or any) game? For me this is a close call between Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption. I spent so much time playing Skyrim because, well duh... it's Skyrim. Red Dead Redemption however, was the only game I've ever been motivated enough to unlock the platinum trophy for and therefore I played that for longer than I should have. Completing it to 100% just took a lot of time. How about you guys?
Halo 3 i've played a total of 3/4ths a year non stop of that game.
Oh wow, that's a long time! It is a great game though. Great enough to justify that amount of time playing it! I had a friend who was obsessed with it and spent a similar amount of time playing it.
Well, it depends on how you mean. If you mean which game I've spent the most time in one sitting playing, then that would probably be Skyrim. If you mean which game I've spent the most time with day after day after day, then that would be either the original Black Ops or Modern Warfare 2.
The longest I ever played a game was for 8 hours straight. I started at noon and didn't get off till 8 p.m. At that point I had to get ready to go to a family party, but the entire time I was there I just wanted to go back home so I could keep playing the game.
Not an Xbox game, but back when it was still in Beta I played the ever living crap out of a game called All Points Bulliten: Reloaded. Which is now commonly known as a failure of a game run by an incompetent company. I don't remember the exact amount of time spent, but I do know I started playing around early afternoon, and didn't get off till about 10 in the morning the following day. So many good times on that game before the community turned to utter crap.
Do MMORPGs count? I played Final Fantasy XI for a few years. On the counter that tells you your total play time in the game, I had something like 1200 hours.
Well if its something not exclusive to the 360 then I've been playing CS 1.6 for a few years now. I have definitely clocked 1000+ hours on it. Among XBox games, it is definitely Halo, though the time for that doesn't come close to the time I've put in CS.
Do MMORPGs count?

That's a good question because MMORPGs/online multiplayer is going to be a given for an insane amount of hours played.

If it's single player then the Bethesda games hands down. They just have so much to do in them. I played around 80 hours in Fallout 3 before DLC, I think 120+ hours on my original Skyrim game before I decided to play another character where I'm at 20 hours, and 70+ on Oblivion (and I doubt I'm close to finished). The longest I've played in a sitting was 13 hours on Skyrim.

Non-console, I couldn't measure it in Total Extreme Wrestling 2013 since it doesn't keep time, but I play that like 3-4 hours daily.
Forza 4 when me and my buddies got it. We played for ~10 hours straight. Drifting together was awesome! We had some good drift trains going and it was awesome to see how everyone modified their cars differently and how much power they had compared to some of our other friends.
Skyrim for roughly 9 hours on end. Stopped for snacks and stuff, but I didn't stray too far.
I've been playing wow for about 4 years, and every time a new expansion comes out I play the all night in a race to level up my character to the new level cap. But Even with doing that twice so far, I think I've play Diablo 3 the longest amount in a row. I remember once spending 3 days strait on attempts on Inferno Ghom, or grom (the poison gas boss in act II). That was so much fun, trying out so many different skill-builds and item combinations on my demon hunter. That boss, at my current gear level was way harder than inferno diablo when I finally got to him. # days on Ghom, and only about 20 attempts on Inferno Diablo before I got the kill.
Oddly State of Decay. I played that for a long time when I first purchased it. It's also the perfect zombie survival game (as it's zombies AND survival and not just mowing through zombies period). I'd also say I played Xenoblade Chronicles for a long time in one sitting as well.
What is the longest amount of time you ever spent playing an Xbox (or any) game? For me this is a close call between Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption. I spent so much time playing Skyrim because, well duh... it's Skyrim. Red Dead Redemption however, was the only game I've ever been motivated enough to unlock the platinum trophy for and therefore I played that for longer than I should have. Completing it to 100% just took a lot of time. How about you guys?

I'd say Grand Theft Auto V has been the game that I have spent the most time playing, simply because I want the 100% completion on it. After doing the main missions, I've spent I-don't-even-know-how-many hours finding spaceship parts, flying under bridges, completing stunt jumps, etc. I've been playing it almost daily since it came out and still haven't hit 100% yet.
I have around 500 hours in Skyrim, and around 200 hours in Red Dead Redemption. my most played game is GTA 4 with 600+ hours, and GTA 5 with 400+ hours. I played my xbox a lot back in the day, before I got my PC. I was obsessed with GTA 5 just like most other gamers, and played it non-stop. Now that I've finished the story and got everything I wan't in the multiplayer, there isn't much to do.
I just played Battlefield 4 for 15 hours. I don't know my longest gaming session, but this by far is my top five. The grind was real.