Missing 1 vs 100


New Member
Nov 1, 2012
When I first joined Live, I remember every weekend they would have 1 vs 100 where you could play against other people on Live. I was doing pretty good and came in in the top portion of players pretty often. I miss this. Does anyone know why they quit doing it or if they will do something similar soon?
I also remember this, I got into it pretty late though... I would be too into playing halo at the time haha. I did pretty decent was always the mob though too.

Were you ever the 1?
The good thing about 1 vs 100 is that they used to actually give away MS points with it. It was extremely well liked, And there is no way in hell the app wasn't getting any traffic. So the big question is why is it gone at all? There was literally NO negatives to it.