Xbox One Multiple discs in blu ray drive


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
Seeing has how you can no longer instantly switch between games because you need the disc, why not have the discs actually in the console at all times. The way this would work is by the blu ray drive holding more then one disc at a time like a disc loader. This would be another great reason to buy a Xbox One because I was really looking forward to instantly switching between games to help my friends.

I know you can already do this by downloading the game but it would take up way to much of my internet usage.

Really am hoping that Microsoft can turn the Xbox One around and be a success in every way possible. So you can probably call me a Microsoft fan boy.
Yeah, I agree with you that switching the discs, while truly a first-world-problem as they say online, is really irritating to have to in 2013. It just seems so archaic. Why don't I blow on the disc while I'm at it? Especially now the discs seem more delicate than cartridges did back in the day, they were surrounded in plastic, you could throw them around the room without really worrying. Yeah, I agree that an Xbox that held like 5 discs or something at least, it would be nice. It would probably just add bulk and expense to the console, so I don't expect to see that happen anytime soon. I don't think it's a bad idea though!
Buy digital and solve the problem instantly.