Xbox One New feature: HDMI in?


New Member
May 16, 2013
One of the more intriguing things in the specs for the new Xbox One was an HDMI in port. A friend of mine was saying that it could lead to some interesting possibilities for the console. I have to confess, I have no idea what this could be used for. Maybe like a separate screen type device where it could connect to the TV (a la the Wii U)? Maybe connecting your computer or cell phone in? Does anyone have any thoughts or theories of what they might have in store for this? I'd love to hear them.
I'm pretty sure its the port for the cable box to plugin to your Xbox One console. As they said in the briefing stream, they're partnering with cable companies, not taking them over or forming anything of there own. They will allow the Xbox One console to work with existing cable boxes. So, in order for that to be possible, you need an HDMI in port.
Oh darn, you're probably right. That's much less interesting than what I was imagining. I heard you will also have to have a separate cable box to do all of those TV features. I hope that isn't true, but then again if HDMI is the only input, there would have to be a box, because cable certainly isn't run to peoples' houses over HDMI. I think it'd be kinda crappy to have to have a cable box too. I'm all for minimalism around my wall-mounted TV.