Xbox One Party Chat interface different for Xbox One?

Jan 9, 2013
I love having party chats and conversations. If it be with clan mates, a friend from back home, or complete strangers from the previous lobby. However, I disliked how smoothly inviting people from various games were. I also disliked how not urgent and responsive the invited were sometimes.

Do you know or think there will be any small or drastic changes to the party chat on the new Xbox?
I'd be interested in learning more about the future of chat in-game and in private party chats also. I'm assuming we might learn more about these and other features at E3. This is one of the features that the 360 did so much better than the PS3. The ability to form a party chat prior to entering a game is a really distinct advantage and one I imagine they'll keep and try to improve on while the PS4 tries to catch up after being behind.
I think the party chat is already pretty good, what they need to do is tune the connection and general quality of the audio, and it would be pretty much perfect.
Seeing as Microsoft acquired Skype not too long ago, I'm sure they'll implement that into the Xbox One, if not as the new Party Chat option.
Seeing as Microsoft acquired Skype not too long ago, I'm sure they'll implement that into the Xbox One, if not as the new Party Chat option.

Yeah, Skype will most likely replace the party chat. It basically has the same options, but Skype is better in my opinion.
I agree I think they'll just go with Skype, I mean they already have access to it so why not? I think that they'll make more changes to it though, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Seeing as Microsoft acquired Skype not too long ago, I'm sure they'll implement that into the Xbox One, if not as the new Party Chat option.

This is a real strong guess. However, it's one that won't be widely accepted or embraced due to the huge privacy concerns. In fact, prominent players and YouTube commentators can't use Skype as it allows hackers easy access to their IP address. I'm sure these issues will be addressed for the One, but it's only a matter of time until it's cracked again.
I think Party Chat is kind of a waste. It's like a keg party just centered around the XBOX. I think gaming should be for fun and to test your skills at a certain game. Or to eventually beat that game. Not to chat it up with people. Aren't parties, pubs, and bars for that sort of thing?