Schools introduce mobile phone jamming technology

jammer block

New Member
Mar 27, 2024
Due to the widespread use of social media, which seriously disrupts classroom order, Julia Polley, headteacher of Wensleydale School and Sixth Form College in Leyburn, has decided to take new measures to prevent students from being disturbed by mobile phones in class. She is tired of the phenomenon that students spend a lot of time immersed in their mobile phones instead of concentrating on lessons, and plans to install devices that block mobile data signals in the school.

How the jammer works
Some mobile phone jammers work by transmitting signals on the frequencies that GSM operates, making it impossible for mobile phones within its range to make or receive calls and messages. This technology is often used in places such as theaters, cinemas and libraries to prevent interference caused by mobile phone use. However, some jammers may affect wider areas and other frequencies than their intended range, and may cause emergency and rescue radio services in public areas to be interrupted.

Specific measures in the school cell phone jammer
It is reported that the technology used by Wensleydale School is highly site-specific and can isolate individual classrooms. This means that the signal of the jammer is only effective in a specific classroom and will not affect other areas of the school or public services. After communicating with the students, headteacher Ms. Polley decided to implement this measure, hoping to reduce the use of mobile phones in class through technical means, thereby improving learning outcomes.

Implementation background and reaction
The measure was taken after a serious argument between a group of Year 11 girls. North Yorkshire County Council said they were not aware of any other schools trying to use this method to control internet use, but stressed that it was up to individual headteachers to decide. Ms Polley also called on parents to monitor students' mobile phone use at home to stop potential cyberbullying.

Ms Polley pointed out that students use their phones to post inappropriate posts on Facebook and send text messages and other media information when they should be concentrating on lessons. This has led some students to be more interested in other people's arguments and gossip than learning. She said she hoped that through these measures, online arguments and conflicts can be controlled.