Xbox One Snipers Confirmed For Titanfall, Quick Scoping And No-Scoping Will Be "Ineffective"


Former Moderator
Aug 31, 2013
"Sniping is in the game, but due to how the game plays it's a pretty different animal than you'll find in your run of the mill modern military shooter," said Titanfall developer "scriptacus" on the official forums. He goes on to explain that, "Quick scoping and no scoping are ineffective."

Respawn didn't go in to more detail, so for now it's not clear how strong sniping will be in Titanfall, nor how it will be used to take down the massive Titans.

Source: IGN

I've heard many games claim they have fixed the plague that is quick scoping/no scoping and all have failed. I will reserve judgement until the games release and can only hope they are right when they say it is ineffective.
Yeah, makes a point. This game is a lot focused on the sci-fi, futuristic battle between man and machine so we'll see how they'll fix the sniping for this game. I'll be laughing if I see some of those 360 no-scope kills on Youtube once this game is out.
We shall see when the game is released. You can't take the word of it until we actually see it in action. Then there's also the Youtube, to show us if the problem will arise. Youtube's the place to see what crazy gamers will do.
id like to see video... they will release more titanfall stuff soon. as we get closer it will be a flood of game stuff.