Xbox 360 The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 coming first week of February


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D

The first episode released in October 2013, but Telltale says we shouldn't expect the wait to be as long for the remaining Wolf Among Us episodes.

"We are very concerned about the long delay for this episode, but this is one of those occasions where several things conspired against us (not to mention the additional delays due to the holidays). I won't dive into the details, but it’s been an unusual and specific set of circumstances and we do not anticipate it happening again as we go forward with the rest of the season."

It's been kind of a wait for the Second Episode of The Wolf Among Us, seeing as how Episode One was released in October. I know I for one have been waiting for the next episode after the crazy ending of Episode One. If you were lucky enough to grab the first episode while it was free, sweet! If not, it really is still worth the money for the episode and/or season pass.

Source: IGN
It's about time! Loved Ep1 and TWD so far, so I'm sure this is gonna be great!