Xbox One Titanfall is an Xbox, Windows exclusive 'for the life of the title'


Former Moderator
Aug 31, 2013
According to a tweet from Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb, Titanfall "will only be available on Xbox One, Xbox 360 & PC," which plants the title squarely within the Microsoft ecosystem.

A tweet from Respawn co-founder Vince Zampella indicates Electronic Arts and Microsoft's exclusive deal for Titanfall is a recent development. Zampella said Titanfall was "always MS exclusive at launch" but that "EA made a deal for the rest," which Respawn "only found out recently."

Zampella later responded to tweets about the deal, saying that Respawn will eventually make games for PlayStation 4 and implied that Titanfall's exclusivity is limited to the first game only.

Well I was only expecting this to be a limited timed exclusive, so this a very smart move from Microsoft to assure it as a system seller. It will be interesting how many people would rather just wait on the sequel to hit the PS4. Like many of you, this is a highly anticipated title for me and I will only play it on my XB1.

via Polygon
Here is the thing. If this sells amazing, I will bet you MSFT WILL dish out a HUGE check to them to make sure the 2nd one goes only to X1, whenever it comes out. Their pockets are endless.
Here is the thing. If this sells amazing, I will bet you MSFT WILL dish out a HUGE check to them to make sure the 2nd one goes only to X1, whenever it comes out. Their pockets are endless.

I agree. And, I have to say, I'm surprised Microsoft didn't ensure this title was an exclusive from day one. Exclusives are what will make deciding which game system to buy easier for the consumer. I'm very happy it is an exclusive and I'm sooo waiting for others, especially a next generation Halo!

I agree. And, I have to say, I'm surprised Microsoft didn't ensure this title was an exclusive from day one. Exclusives are what will make deciding which game system to buy easier for the consumer. I'm very happy it is an exclusive and I'm sooo waiting for others, especially a next generation Halo!


Well Im sure its WAY to far along to even talk about TITANFALL 2 so I bet when things start to come closer, MSFT will want to have a closed meeting lol
I was shocked to hear that Respawn was the last to know about this. It sounds as if they were a bit disappointed about the deal. Im glad for MS and I bet Sony is drooling.
I agree and think it was a good move. Many seem to really want Titan Fall, I know I already preordered. The videos on YouTube are super.
I agree. And, I have to say, I'm surprised Microsoft didn't ensure this title was an exclusive from day one. Exclusives are what will make deciding which game system to buy easier for the consumer. I'm very happy it is an exclusive and I'm sooo waiting for others, especially a next generation Halo!

I agree too for it was the exclusives like Forza 5, Ryse, Halo, and Titanfall (which looks awesome IMO) that determined my decision of getting the xbox one. It is to bad on Microsoft's part that their contract with Bungie ended for I think if Destiny were an exclusive as well then it would be that much harder not to get the xbox one.
Despite the dozens of naysayers I've argued with, I've always said Titanfall would be 100% MS exclusive.

Will MS pay to have future versions exclusive as well? I think that's a harder question to answer than it appears to be. Titanfall is undoubtedly up against both COD Ghosts and BF4. However, neither of the latter titles are exclusive to any one console. This puts Titanfall into an unusual space.

It wouldn't surprise me of MS bought the franchise for the entirety of next gen (if anything to gain back an exclusive FPS), but I also feel as if MS will wait to see just how well Titanfall 1 sells. BUT, not just 'sales numbers', they will also want to see how the franchise evolves and plans to hold on to it's customers, i.e. through DLC, possible TV show tie-ins, etc. I'm noticing a trend with MS and the Xbox One and I think the trend is the push for more 'full experience' games, not just one-off hits. They are looking at the long-term, how can they capitalize on the franchise through all aspects of media offerings? I feel that's more Microsoft's style moving into next gen.

Disclaimer: I'm 100% supporting/behind Microsoft's push for a full media experience when it comes to games. They've got the smartglass tie-in, Xbox One exclusive tv shows, etc. I'm all for it.
I still dunno how much stock to put into such statements. Mass Effect was exclusive too...
I'm a little disappointed because I was planning to take the PS4 before thinking about having a Xbox One. It is still my intention.

But I wish I could touch TitanFall. EA has made the worst mistake by doing this. I guess not the number of sales if the game would be multiplatform. The PS4 already has many preorders. With the price of the Xbox One, there are not many who will want to invest in this game

The PS4 would have been a public good .... It's a shame.
Anyway, Sony still has major studios working on exclusives.

Microsoft has done a good chix on his side, because he is a winner in this battle.