Xbox One Voice control feature


New Member
Apr 11, 2013
What do you make of the voice control feature? I just realise you may be talking to someone in the room and mention the "Xbox One" and then the console turns itself on because it thinks you said "Xbox ON". I don't know, I think the voice control feature is a nice option, but I hope it's not mandatory, and you can turn it off in the settings. What do you make of it?
if it's anything like the 360 then voice commands should only be viable when the kinect is kinectted (see what I did there? :p) haha anyway I haven't used my kinect in a long time so I can't remember if there's an option to turn it off now.
Hmm. I don't think it would actually be that useful. Other than the fact that you tell it to turn on, what else can you do? Turn off? There's not that many things you can say to it, other than Play X game and Exit X game. Not much use for the voice control.
Hmm. I don't think it would actually be that useful. Other than the fact that you tell it to turn on, what else can you do? Turn off? There's not that many things you can say to it, other than Play X game and Exit X game. Not much use for the voice control.

'kay cept for using it to switch to tv/hdmi, using it to open up tabs, moving around the home screen as well as devs using it in game for some nice little features aka when you tell you're ai squad mates that they're useless maybe, just maybe they'll actually get the messege haha
Why would you need voice controls when you already have a controller at hand? And I wonder how voice controls would work with the new Xbox... Would you need a mic or would you need to should so that it would be able to hear your voice? So many great concepts, so many questions. I hope that they all come together by launch date.
From the presentation, I'm guessing the Xbox identifies you by your voice? So if I was the one who said "Xbox on", then someone else's voice wouldn't be able to walk in and say "change the channel to CBS" while I'm in the middle of something. At least I hope there are things in place so you're not unintentionally controlling the TV all of the time. I'm imagining a scenario where you reach down for a handful of popcorn and minimize the video your watching haha.
I do think it's kind of a silly feature. We already have controllers, have we really gotten to the point of laziness/convenience where we use voice control instead? I don't know, it might work really well, but I don't really see myself using it.
It's a ridiculous feature, in my opinion, and I hope that it can be disabled.
Hmm. I don't think it would actually be that useful. Other than the fact that you tell it to turn on, what else can you do? Turn off? There's not that many things you can say to it, other than Play X game and Exit X game. Not much use for the voice control.

You didn't watch the Xbox One Briefing at all..... lol
I wonder how it will handle accents?

In all my experience with voice control was designed in America, and has troubles with the British accent. If this is actually the issue, I have no idea.
The only device I know that actually worked is the iPhone 4s - which actually recognized a series of commands a friend issued in a thick cockney accent (I can barely understand him half the time).
They weren't standard commands either, they were quite explicit, he told it to search for some pretty rude things I shall not repeat :confused:
I wonder how it will handle accents?

In all my experience with voice control was designed in America, and has troubles with the British accent. If this is actually the issue, I have no idea.
The only device I know that actually worked is the iPhone 4s - which actually recognized a series of commands a friend issued in a thick cockney accent (I can barely understand him half the time).
They weren't standard commands either, they were quite explicit, he told it to search for some pretty rude things I shall not repeat :confused:

That's a good question. I hope they can get it spot on for everyone with different accents and languages. After seeing the video where they have the Kinect in a room that apparently you can hear your own blood rushing through your body, I'm sure they'll have it spot on. English is all I need though :)