What are your opinions on evolution?

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New Member
Apr 10, 2013
Everywhere i go, i find people who don't understand evolution, and everywhere i go they refuse to communicate with reason. Do any of you have anything to add, or perhaps an argument? If you don't understand a certain aspect of evolution, feel free to ask me. I don't know everything, but i'm pretty learned in the subject.
I cannot say evolution exists. I cannot say that God exists. Who would I be to say either, or. I know I am studying to be a scientist, but I also believe in miracles. I believe there are things that happen that cannot be scientifically explained. I think God has given the scientists the power and knowledge to heal.
I believe evolution is FACT and people that refuse to believe it or say that I'm stupid for believing in it are so rude and a lot more stupid than me. There is proof for evolution, but yet we have no proof of god, I'm not bashing people that believe in god, but the only proof that people have of god are the words of people from a few thousand years ago. Even before the current god we have, there are thousands of other versions of "God" and still no proof. I believe something that has facts or proof behind it. Not the collective word of people who lived more than 2000 years ago.

I'm not trying to insult anyone who believes in god nor start an argument with someone who believes in god I'm just stating my opinion on the subject which I'm entitled to just as you are entitled to yours.

The thing I hate above all else is when someone tries to prove to me that god exists and I actually end up getting in an argument with them about it, I wont try and force facts down their throat about how god isn't real so when people try to force "facts" about god down my throat I get really annoyed.

Another thing I believe is that religion should have no control in anyway what so ever in the running of a country. Like in England for example gay marriage isn't legal because the churches say it is wrong. It isn't wrong and they have no rights to stop two people getting married if they love each other, that is all that matters. Not the opinions of some homophobe who lived over 2000 years ago that said gay marriage is wrong in the eyes of the lord, bullshit.

Adam and eve were the first humans on earth, making all of us related, but yet incest in the bible is wrong? Makes perfect sense to me.

I'm sorry if I seem rude to a believer in god I do not mean to be, it just frustrates me sometimes lol. I do also just want to say that I don't hate people who believe in god, I have many christian friends and we get on fine because we respect each others opinions and choose what we want to believe :)

Anyway thats just my 2 cents on the subject lol I didn't plan to ramble on for that long!
Humans evolved indeed, but you have to wonder about the world in general. Where did everything else come from? What happened to some societies and people and animals that just vanished? I myself and skeptical about the existence of GOD. We can't find any proof he ever existed. No relatives or friends of people who knew him. Or any singular trace. They find stuff from mummies and ancient kings and queens every day. Why can't we find a single thing from GOD or Jesus?
You know what's going on, zuluguy. I think the majority is to afraid to think for themselves. God is a way of explaining the explainable. Like the weather, the world, and life. But now we know that zeus isn't sitting up there chucking lightning down, and god didn't clump the earth together, and as far as life goes, i would say it doesn't exist. all is matter. If you haven't read 'The Ancestor's Tale' I urge you to. It's a beautiful book, and dose more justice to life and the universe than any religion ever could.

Thinkers unite!
I might have to give this book a look! One thing that really put it into perspective to me is a movie called Religulous (Yes that is how it is spelt, odd spelling I know) But its basically a documentary of a guy going around the world talking to religious people and challenging them to prove it exists a lot of people were offended by this as they naturally would be, but he would go about disproving everything they had to say about religion.

One of my favourite parts is where he explains that over the years there have been thousands of different versions of god/gods and that over time the different religions go back further than the most known ones today and the stories them selves have evolved to suit people of the modern age. It is really a good movie and should definitely be watched by any non believers and also believers in god.
Oh their God! I love that movie. lol. that's so funny. The best part is when he goes to Holy Land! I actually live less than 3 hours from there. hmmm... temptation... but yeah, you should totally rad that book. I reccomend it with every fiber of my being. That's how good it is. It literally puts the entire universe under a microscope. cheers mate.
I might have to give this book a look! One thing that really put it into perspective to me is a movie called Religulous (Yes that is how it is spelt, odd spelling I know) But its basically a documentary of a guy going around the world talking to religious people and challenging them to prove it exists a lot of people were offended by this as they naturally would be, but he would go about disproving everything they had to say about religion.

One of my favourite parts is where he explains that over the years there have been thousands of different versions of god/gods and that over time the different religions go back further than the most known ones today and the stories them selves have evolved to suit people of the modern age. It is really a good movie and should definitely be watched by any non believers and also believers in god.

One of my favorite documentaries of all time! I really liked how bold the guy just threw the questions at everyone. The only thing i didn't like was the ending, with that fear inducing message that we will end up destroying ourselves. Yes, i am aware of that, they could just tone it down a little, seeing that the rest of the documentary was more relaxed.
This is a very interesting topic... First I believe in evolution but not the religious one. I can't lower myself to believe I came from a rock whose origin I can't explain. What do you say about that?
People that say God made the world and made people with no evidence at all are just stupid.
If you can't back up your statement, why say it at all?
For me, I think evolution is the way to go. There is proof that animals are very similar to us, and it can't be just a mere coincidence.
I am closing this thread as its a very sensitive subject. Remember that when you want to post in the "off topic" section, that you are on Xboxforums.com where fun and games are the norm and religion and politics are not.
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