Xbox 360 What do you think of Secret achievements?


New Member
Aug 27, 2013
I'm not really sure when this started, but over the last couple of years, I've noticed the increase in games having a LOT of "secret" achievements. Some of them seem to be there just to add mystery to the game, but aren't necessary at all. I'm currently playing "Splinter Cell: Blacklist" and noticed a bunch of these. It seems in this case, they're unlocked just by beating levels in the single player main campaign. And that's fine. But if that's the case, why make them secret? Why not just add the description? I guess I'm more of a goal oriented achievement hunter. If a game tells me I need to get 10 kills in a certain level, I'll try and do that. But with secret 'cheevies, it's impossible to know what to do to unlock it.

And I'm aware there's the internet or guides to help along the way. I just don't like using them. No judgement here. If you buy a game, you can play it and beat it however you want. After all, it's YOUR game! I'm just saying I don't personally want to do things that way. I like to figure the levels out on my own. Finally solving that puzzle, or finding the best way to get to a savepoint gives me a great deal of satisfaction, because I did it on my own. But that's just me. Sometimes I've done it though. Once I beat a game and still see one or two secret achievements left, it drives me crazy. It's always good to see friends who have unlocked it. They can give me the heads up if it's something level specific or otherwise.

What about you? Do you have an issue with these? Or do you not care one way or the other? If you do care, how do you eventually decipher them? Happy gaming!
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I think that's why they're there, for you to just keep playing the game until you finally unlock it. Look at it as a way to keep you playing the game for as long as possible. For me, I don't think a game is finished until I complete all the objectives and achievements, doing that makes me stuck playing the same game for a long time. If game developers would add hints to these secret achievements, it would make my life a whole lot easier. However, most of the time I run out of patience and just look up how to do the achievement on Google.
I can't say that I mind them too much because I go to a site that tells what all of the achievements are. I think you could look at those without it telling you too much about the game. I just like to know ahead of time because if I get one of those 1 or 2 point achievements on a game that I know I can't complete, I'm going to go ballistic.
Generally I don't mind too much, but I don't spend too much time worrying on them either if I'm absolutely clueless. Sometimes, it's kind of cool to have an extra incentive to unlock everything, find things you weren't expecting, etc.