What is one misconception you would explain to console players?


New Member
Feb 18, 2013
Sometimes on the inevitable thread wars between console players and PC players you'll have a lone voice trying to explain some point only for it to be lost ... 'cause typing fury. So what is some point console players make or believe that you'd like to correct for future posterity? Is it the cost of upgrades or the need for constant upgrades or what? As a side note what is one thing you don't get about consoles?
You don't actually own the games you buy even if they come on a physical disk they are bought under a license agreement.
Since the OP mentioned cost, I do see a frequent argument that PC gaming is too expensive. If you buy the right parts, you can have a quality rig for under $1000 that can play even the most demanding games well at full specs, and there probably wouldn't be a need to upgrade for a while. Dumping $2,000 into an Alienware is a bit silly unless you're just wealthy and want to save time. Still, you could make a good case that it's still less expensive to go with consoles, but if you're like me, you want what everything has to offer. :3
Well for one, a lot of console gamers don't feel the need to switch to PC gaming, which is fine anyone can do what they want. But those that are hesitant to say so because it's too expensive. If you think you're going to be playing games for years then you're actually going to save money with PC gaming. There are always sales on steam, GOG and whatever game company you can find. If you can't afford games yes you can pirate them easily. Starting out with a mid-range PC will last you a very long time, 5 years maybe as long as you fine tune your games. The cost of a mid-range PC is probably around 500-600 if you build it yourself, which guides can be found on reddit.com/r/buildapc and on pcpartpicker.com. All it takes is a little bit of knowledge.
Others have mentioned the "PC gaming is expensive" thing, so I'll say... ditto. PC gaming is not really that much more expensive than console gaming when you factor in the amazing and frequent sales. Just look at the current Steam summer sale, for example...