Xbox 360 What is your finest multiplayer moment?


New Member
Nov 16, 2013
As the topic of the post asks: What is your finest moment in Xbox 360 multiplayer? There have been so many Xbox 360 games to hit the market and a ton of them have had great multiplayer. For me I would have to say that my finest multiplayer moment came when my friends and I got together for a huge LAN party. We had drinks set out, good food, and a pair of huge TVs in different rooms. We separated into two different teams, each assigned their own room, through a draft system. After that we chose the game we all wanted to play (Halo 3) and then proceeded to breeze through some great multiplayer gaming. I think my favorite moment of that night was when we had the giant tank on the huge desert level. I was driving it all across the map while the rest of my team manned the guns like it was a giant war ship. Of course we got killed a ton but it was still a fun experience.
On halo 3 probably going around sniping people on our mongooses, that just one off te top of my ead.
The best thing I've ever done in multiplayer was in Forge mode on Halo 3. My friends and I used to create a lot of things on there, including a football (soccer) game using gravity hammers, and Mongoose racetracks (we did that on the desert-like stage that had three tiers, one of which was in the sky).

I haven't played Halo for a while, but this is making me all nostalgic again. I'll have to get hold of a copy of Halo 4...
Slightly off topic but this was in CS. I defused the bomb alone even when all 5 terrorists were alive.

That and totem poling in Halo. Ohh, those were the days.
When I got my first monster kill in an UT3 deathmatch. That announcer voice, oh god. Just the experience of chain kills makes that game worth playing.
Hehe, I don't know if this is my "finest," but we do have some drinking games when we play GTA IV. We go in freemode and jump ramps at the airport. We would take shots and then progressively get drunker and whoever couldn't jump the ramps at the end had to buy Live for one of our members. It's a funny way to spend the weekend and you get the chance of scoring a free month of Live. It's a win-win for everyone.
I don't know that I can name a single finest moment, but I have had several memorable matches playing Call of Duty, along with some hilarious and epic fails while playing Grand Theft Auto 5. One instance in particular (involving Call of Duty) comes to mind where I tomahawked a guy completely on accident -- I knew I was about to die so I threw my tomahawk out as a last resort and then it bounced off a set of stairs and into the back of the guy's head.
Slightly off topic but this was in CS. I defused the bomb alone even when all 5 terrorists were alive.

Nothing touches pulling this off in CS. Ok maybe protecting the bomb when all 5 CT are alive but that is done a lot more commonly and you can pull it off simply by stalling for time. The urge to take your headphones and walk around fist pumping the air for a while after you do that can get very strong sometimes. :D
If it's solely for the finest moment on the Xbox 360, then I'd probably have to go with Call of Duty 4. When the game first came out, I was unnaturally good and enjoyed every match. Luckily for me, my local gamestop and another local game shop were hosting a Free For All tournament, so naturally I decided to sign up. Finest Moment was simply just dominating the competition. Granted it wasn't anything on MLG level, but it was still awesome being a young teenager going up against several college "Bro's" who thought they were the best and just watching their face fill with rage as I mopped the floor with them. In both tournaments I won a nice cash prize, one being sponsored by the US Military so I got a plaque to hang up on my wall.

Now, if we're talking about IN GENERAL, there's far to many to count. There's been so many times where just playing different games it's come down to the wire and we win by the skin of our nose from a lucky grenade throw or a perfectly times rocket shot.
My finest multiplayer moment is probably all the boards I beat on Gears Of War with my brother. I will never forget playing Gears Of War and the excitement that came with it. Gears Of War is easily one of the best games I have ever played on my system.
I had a Killimanjaro in Halo 4 once. I was in a Scorpion tank. They had all spawned in the same corner of the map, and I was just profusely blasting rockets into that area. In the same map I got my largest-ever kill streak with the Gauss cannon. My driver was exceptional, and my aiming was very on point.

In Call of Duty: MW3 I once had 44 kills and 1 death. I got on a huge streak to start the game, and got into a Chopper Gunner as a result. They just kept spawning in open areas, the map didn't offer much shelter to hide in and they just kept spilling back into the map. Usually when that happens people just leave, but they all stayed and kept getting slaughtered. The only reason I died was because I had accidentally killed myself in the middle of my Chopper spree haha.
Playing Black Ops, search and destroy on WMD. Everyone on my team dies in overtime and I have a really bad weapon setup (Something like LMG with infrared scope). I stood inside a room with a claymore behind me to protect my self from anyone coming in behind, and all of a sudden the claymore explodes. So there is 5 people left and I have no defense from behind. I just aim my sight down to the door for 30 seconds and no one walks in. I get up and run out the door and see all 5 of them walking past and they don't see me. Killed them all within 2 seconds and won the game. Got it all recorded in theatre mode, too!
Bad Company 2, a bunch of people just gathered in a part of the map, the one in the coast with the lightpost, put some c4 and grenades under a buggy, blew it up with someone inside and watched it fly away, doing 1080º spins in the air and then falling down completely fine.
Good times i tell you!
The best thing I've ever done in multiplayer was in Forge mode on Halo 3. My friends and I used to create a lot of things on there, including a football (soccer) game using gravity hammers, and Mongoose racetracks (we did that on the desert-like stage that had three tiers, one of which was in the sky).

I haven't played Halo for a while, but this is making me all nostalgic again. I'll have to get hold of a copy of Halo 4...

Oh man, I totally forgot about Forge mode. I've spent so many hours in that mode with a bunch of friends creating absurd maps. I have found that, ultimately, every single Forge session ended with the gravity set to ridiculous levels and everybody armed with rockets and laser swords. That is what happens when you turn teenagers into Gods. They revert to chaos and enjoy it with glee.
my brother and i decided to BS on GTA IV way after popularity had died down. I had never played online before and i thought it would be cool for the two of us to tear up s**t.

Imagine my surprise when two other guys join our servers and team up against us. They ran us over and gunned us down a couple of times, but we started playing back to back on a long road with limited access. Shut that down quickly. Eventually they came at us with choppers and that worked, until we found the m4 spawn and took them out some more. THEN, they found the rocket spawn and came at us with that and the chopper

We went to the middle island, to a dip under a bridge. One of their guys would try to run a car into us, but we had blown up a couple and lined them up just right to create a barricade. It was hard for them to get at us with a chopper cause theyd have to pretty much stay still to shoot at us, which made them an easy target for us.

It was pretty fun and we played for an hour, they finally quit heh
Using some fun grenade mods and talents on my Soldier to finally show up my friend's hunter in Borderlands. Sure your bird can kill 3 guys instantly, but I can cause the equivalent of a thermonuclear explosion.