What is your opinions on exclusives?


New Member
Aug 2, 2013
What is your opinion on exclusives?

As the thread title says, what are your opinions on the exclusives that the new next-gen consoles are going to have?

Even now, Black Ops 2 is releasing the new DLC's on the xbox, and only one month after they release it for the PC/PS3.
As a PC/Xbox/PS3 user, This doesn't affect me very much, and since I have Black Ops 2 on both PC and xbox it really doesn't mind me.

What do you "PC/PS3" users think about this? Is it unfair?
It is kind of unfair. Someone who plays more than one version will get an advantage. For example, someone that plays on both 360 and PC gets the DLCs early on 360. This person then manages to learn and get used to the maps included in the DLC. When this person gets the DLC on PC, he's gonna have an advantage against those that only play the PC version and don't have any knowledge of the maps.

I think timed exclusivity of DLC is pretty stupid.
Console exclusitivity has always been an unfortunate byproduct of market competition, but it's something I've made peace with. Exclusive DLC/other content, both temporary and permanent, is unfair, but market competition is always going to be a double-edged sword. If I am the one getting the short end of the stick when I have to get the inferior multiplatform game version, I just cut my loss and remember that it's better than not being able to play it at all. I'm sure Diablo III will be a fine example; the console version might be weaker than the PC version, but since I can't afford a PC upgrade, I'll take what I can get.
Exclusives are all about marketing and it's a gimmick. The more you assure a console owner that he/she is playing the game first, the higher the chances of them buying it. People love exclusives as they feel superior among others. I read an article on PC Gamer where they clearly specified that no one needs to sell a PC. It doesn't need any hype but Xbox One and PS4 need that boost to reach the masses. Because of this reason, publishers push their exclusive titles to give that superiority to owners of that console.

Crytek made an impact on PC with Crysis but now Ryse will be an exclusive. Eventually, it will come to PC or maybe not but let's be happy with what we have. After all, once the competition dies down, PC gamers will enjoy those titles for sure. Just own a console to avoid the waiting time.
As a PC gamer whenever someone mentions exclusives I laugh, it's not me that's missing out, it's the console gamers:
