Xbox One Xbox One Game DVR clips shareable only through Xbox Live at launch


Former Moderator
Aug 31, 2013
This may be a bummer for you sharing junkies out there. I for one didn't plan on using the game DVR feature much and even if I did it wouldn't be on anywhere else othere than my XB1.

Video clips created using the Xbox One's Game DVR feature can be shared only through Xbox Live at launch, senior director of product planning and management Albert Penello has said. In an interview with Destructoid, Penello said support for sites like YouTube and Facebook will be offered "by next year." Xbox One Game DVR clips are captured in 720p at 30 frames-per-second. The Xbox One will automatically record the last five minutes of gameplay. Gamers can say "Xbox Record" at any time to begin recording content at any point. Players can then edit their video and spruce it up with voice-over and even picture-in-picture through the Kinect. The Xbox One also supports external video capture devices.

Any of you affected by this news? Sound off in the comments below!

Source: Game Spot
Fairly cool but not sure how much use I'd get out of it. Being able to go straight to facebook or youtube though would be quite awesome.
As long as it will be integrated soon its ok. Was kind of hoping to create a youtube channel for game reviews and tutorials. Pretty stoked about it actually.
The ability to upload gameplay capture clips to social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube will be available "in 2014," a Microsoft representative confirmed to Polygon today.

For those of you who wanted to upload your videos to YouTube or Facebook for all your friends to see and or review. It was confirmed today by a Microsoft representative 2014 is the date that will begin.

just figured I'd add to the confirmation.
Yeah, it was expected. They want to first try the main features of the console, try out the server capacity along the way and then release the big features that will consume most of the bandwidth.

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