Xbox One 128 person teams really happening - big online matches?


New Member
Oct 2, 2013
Is it true that in Battlefield 4 on the Xbox one you are going to be able to be in matches where there are 128 people on EACH team? Like full scale battles and such. This would make the game unbelievably awesome. .
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I've only heard of a total 64 which is 32 players per team.
It will only be 64 player total ( 32+32 ) as it is currently in the computer for BF3. It would be amazing if they could pull off 64+64 teams, people fighting everywhere and you would need to be really careful when "crossing the road" ! :D
I haven't heard anything either way, but I think it would be really cool if they could pull that off somehow. At the same time though, it seems like it might just be chaos with twice as many people in every match!
I have heard that they are going for 64 players. Never heard anything about 128 players though.
24 per side is what I've been hearing?? If it's 32 that would be epic and would really be like good old PC servers. I saw someone saying they hope the servers would take 19 players ALL TOGETHER, but I think we know that is rubbish. Does anyone know if you can choose individual servers, or will it throw you into one and you get no choice on how many people you want to play with?
24 per side is what I've been hearing?? If it's 32 that would be epic and would really be like good old PC servers. I saw someone saying they hope the servers would take 19 players ALL TOGETHER, but I think we know that is rubbish. Does anyone know if you can choose individual servers, or will it throw you into one and you get no choice on how many people you want to play with?
I remember the post-beta faq saying theres a server browser for the 360, so there would definitely be one for the ONE.

Also, 32 players per side is confirmed.

I do agree that more than 32 per side, especially on very small maps would be chaotic. As it is its way to probable that you'll die on spawn (on the beta at least) so imagine if there were twice the players around. It would be 5 second runs before every death