Xbox 360 Best RPG?


New Member
Mar 17, 2014
I'm trying to find a decent RPG to play for 360. I know there are a ton of classics available (Final Fantasy, Tales, Fable, etc) and I've played most of them already. Before I fork out for an Xbox One, I'd like to have one last RPG hurrah with my 360. Any recommendations?
Honestly, I don't think there have been that many "great" RPG's for the 360. It's a crying shame, but the last RPG I can remember really getting into was for Playstation 2. (It was a Final Fantasy.)
That's kind of the hard thing I've come across with Sony versus Microsoft. There are a ton of RPG releases for Playstation, but not so many for XBox. I've heard great things about the Tales series, and it looks like there a couple available for 360.

Here are a number I've turned up but haven't played: the Witcher, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Darksiders, Magna Carta 2, Star Ocean, Record of Agarest War, and Resonance of Fate. Anyone played these or recommend them?
Lost Odyssey is good, wouldnt bother with Blue Dragon (too kiddy and cartoonish) .. I started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution recently as well as The Withcher 2, I would recommend either of those two and Lost Odyssey if you have not already played those.
There are others but those are the ones that come to mind, there really isnt a lot of great rpgs for the 360 thou as Bradbury mentioned. Maybe have a look through this to get some more ideas:
Fable 2 definitely worth it. But be warned you will become emotionally attached to that game. I know I was for sure.
I enjoyed the Fable series quite a bit. That was one of my favorite RPGs for a long time. I'd love it if they continued the series, but I've given up hope they ever will. I'm hoping that we see more RPGs for Xbox One. It looks like Sony is opening up to releasing more cross-platform RPGs.
Elder Scrolls IV or V and Fallout 3 and New Vegas if you want an RPGs that are non-linear and you control your character's fate the downside is the story tends to be just enough and the main thing is customization, crafting, and exploration. Dragon Age and Mass Effect series if you want something more traditional/similar to JRPGs (linear for the most part) with great stories, but are light on exploration. All four series have a lot of lore to them in the games.

I'll recommend Fable II it's not in Bethesda's Best territory, but it's a good RPG. Lite on lore, it straddles the fence of open world between Bethesda's go everywhere approach and Bioware's just shy of FFX degree of linearity.
The best RPG is Dark Souls, in my opinion. The game is very replayable, thanks to New Game+ mechanics and the constant multiplayer action. It's not rare to see pe It also allows for very varied builds and so. The story is nice and the lore is actually pretty great once you start to dive into it. The combat is basically perfect, too. Some people might say it's "clunky" but the thing about the combat is that it's very realistic and heavy. Swinging a gigantic hammer FEELS like swinging a gigantic hammer. Lots of possibilities with all the magics and weapon types. It's also a truly challenging game for the hardcore crowd, but it's fair enough and relies heavily on strategy so that everyone with some patience should be able to overcome its challenges.

Gotta say, though, this generation had a lot of great and varied RPGs. Some noteworthy mentions: Borderlands, Dragon's Dogma (my second favorite), Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Nier, Lost Odyssey, The Witcher, Skyrim and The Last Remnant (though the 360 version is completely awful compared to the PC version).
Dark Souls all the way, especially for the difficulty! But regardless, I'm still more a shooter game guy, so I'd side with Borderlands and Fallout 3. Even with fallout having the aim assistance with the targeting limbs and extremities, the thirst to collect all the guns, items, and being the big hoarder I am, I aim to try to collect everything I can.