Xbox 360 Bioshock 2 Reviews


Aug 26, 2012
Below you can find the reviews for Bioshock 2. If you have any questions that the reviews didn't answer, start a new thread on the forum. Played the game already? Rate it above and tell us why you did or didn’t like it. Better yet, write your own user review!

9.1 out of 10 - IGN
Read the full review here: Direct Link
It's a game in which story, setting, and gameplay are expertly blended to create an experience that's as thought-provoking as it is entertaining.

9 out of 10 - Wired
Read the full review here: Direct Link
BioShock 2 may be a clever spin on the are-you-good-or-evil convention, but it falls short of its predecessor by not breaking free of it.

8.5 out of 10 - Game Spot
Read the full review here: Direct Link
BioShock 2 is a beautiful and disturbing return to Rapture.

8.25 out of 10 - Game Informer
Read the full review here: Direct Link
If your interest lies solely with the single-player experience - and let's be frank, this is why we counted down the days until BioShock 2's release - I walked away from it pleased, but also unfulfilled. BioShock 2 eventually becomes the sequel I hoped for, but spends too much time getting there.
The weapons are better. The plasmids are better. The enemies are better. At some points, even the storytelling is better. What's most amazing and surprising about BioShock 2, however, is that by diving deeper into Rapture's tortured history and exploring more of Rapture's haunted world, it actually manages to make the original BioShock better, too.